All posts for: February 2015

4 Habits of Unsuccessful Event Managers

Everyone has bad habits; it’s part of being human. If you’ve been working in the events industry for a while then you’ve probably developed some bad habits you find yourself repeating at every event you run. If you are looking to make 2015 your best year yet then why not consider... Read more

How to Make Your CV Stand Out from the Rest

Picture Source: Shutterstock The first rule of thumb which should never be overlooked is that there are different approaches depending on the job or industry being targeted. For example, it is not uncommon for a graphic designer or film animator to create a visually arresting and... Read more

The Right Way To Apply For A Job

Once upon a time, applying for a job was a reasonably straight-forward process. Submit your cover letter and resume in response to an advertised position and wait by the phone in hopes of an interview. These days, however, constantly increasing competition has forced job seekers to adopt... Read more

How To Handle Job Rejection

Getty Images There are very few people who aren’t faced with job rejection at some point in their careers. Whether it be a missed promotion, an application brush-off or a succession of non-starters, job rejection can be painful and disappointing. However, the way you deal with... Read more

RCSA member offer

1 Month FREE Trial Start your 1 month free trial with premium placement boosting of all ads on Adzuna. Adzuna is different - a Pay-for-Performance (CPC) model, minimize advertising wastage by paying only for value and not an upfront listing fee. What's on offer: Drive qualified jobs... Read more