All posts for: September 2014

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Leave Your Job?

So, you can do most of your work in your sleep, you’re bored beyond all reason and you know all the office jokes before they’ve even been uttered? Could it be time to leave your job? Getting to the top of your game in what you do is the ultimate goal for most people. Yet, no matter... Read more

How To Stay Positive When You Hate Your Job

Hating your job is not overly unusual. In fact, it’s quite common. The question is how you deal with it and make the best of what you’ve got. Perhaps it’s your boss or your colleagues, or maybe the job itself. Whatever the reason, there is always a way to rise above it and stay... Read more

15 Ways to Motivate Yourself At Work

By Chloe Abotomey You know what you need to do, you may even know exactly how you're going to do it, but it still it doesn't get done, sound familiar? We have all experienced the unproductive attitude coming from lack of motivation. With fear and laziness being the most universal... Read more

How To Beat Interview Nerves

Laying claim to the best resume on earth will end up meaning very little if you’re a bag of nerves during your interview. We all get nervous - and it’s particularly natural in a job interview. However, letting your nerves interfere and take the whole show over is something that can... Read more