• Spencer Tunick's latest nude installation has a pointedly political spin (Getty Images)
These "art warriors" were out to protest harmful Republican rhetoric towards women and minorities.
Bianca Soldani

18 Jul 2016 - 2:33 PM  UPDATED 18 Jul 2016 - 2:34 PM

The National Republican Convention is about to kick off in Cleveland this week, but before Donald Trump rolls into town, photographer Spender Tunick was making a political statement of his own.

Tunick - who is known for staging large-scale, public nude photographs - gathered 100 female participants outside of the arena where the convention will take place.

Wearing nothing but their birthday suits and holding large oval-shaped mirrors, the ladies reflected “the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of Mother Nature” into and onto the convention centre, according to Tunick’s website.

The project, titled ‘Everything she says means everything’, was designed to reflect people’s anger “against the hateful repressive rhetoric of many in the Republican Party towards women and minorities”.

Over 1,800 women signed up to take part according to Tunick’s website, but only 100 “art warriors” were informed of the secret location and photographed.

The installation has been in the works since 2013 and at which point Spencer tells Esquire, “I could never have imagined there would be such a heightened attention to the male-versus-female dynamic of this Cleveland juggernaut of a convention."

"But I feel like doing this will sort of calm the senses. It brings it back to the body and to purity,” he says.

This latest project comes just weeks after his work attracted 3,200 people all covered in blue paint to the British town of Hull.