• Those Who Have No Blood On Their Hands

    Words fail me… i spent much of yesterday and the night before trying to write, but nothing measured up to the horror of the Quebec City massacre, where a young far-rightist shot up a mosque, killing six and wounding many more

    i will come back to this, but as things are right now, all i could do was the following; these images can be downloaded from facebook, or here. The text on each image translated as “It wasn’t me who fired — My hands are clean.”

    These are politicians and journalists, most but not all from Quebec, who have ...........READ MORE

  • Ctrl-Alt-Delete: An Antifascist Report on the Alternative Right

    The latest from Kersplebedeb Publishing, Ctrl-Alt-Delete addresses the origins and rise of the so-called “alt-right,” the fascistic movement that grabbed headlines in the months leading up to the 2016 election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. It is due back from the printers in February, but is available for pre-order now; the
    cover price is $10, but bulk pricing ranges from $4-6 each depending on quantity. Pre-ordering copies will help us have a sense of how many we should be printing, and will also help us cover our printing costs. You can do so by clicking here! ...........READ MORE

  • Free Shipping at Leftwingbooks.NET

    Just to let people know, for the remainder of 2016, Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.Net is offering free shipping on orders of $50 or more, anywhere in the world. Please note that this special will get you the cheapest mail delivery available — i.e. surface mail if you are overseas. Orders placed after December 11th will definitely arrive after December 25th.

    Leftwingbooks.Net distributes all Kersplebedeb Publications, all books published by AK Press and PM Press, as well as publications from many other left, anarchist, and communist publishers and projects. We are especially happy to carry both the Certain Days Freedom for ...........READ MORE

  • Translating and Publishing Torkil Lauesen’s The Global Perspective

    Kersplebedeb Publishing is seeking to raise funds to translate and publish the book Det Globale Perspektiv (The Global Perspective), by former Danish political prisoner Torkil Lauesen.

    In the 1970s and 80s, Torkil was a member of an underground communist cell which carried out a series of robberies in Denmark, netting very large sums which were then sent on to various national liberation movements in the Third World. Following their capture in 1989, Torkil would spend six years in prison. In 2016, Torkil’s book Det Globale Perspektiv was released in Denmark. In it, he explains how he sees the world political ...........READ MORE

  • Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar 2017

    The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers in Montreal, Toronto, and New York, in partnership with three political prisoners being held in maximum-security prisons in New York State: David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes and Herman Bell.

    The Certain Days Calendar can be purchased from Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.NET by clicking here

    The Calendar was a project first suggested by Herman in 2001, and has been shaped throughout the years by all of our ideas, discussions, and analysis. All of the current members of the outside collective are grounded in day- to-day ...........READ MORE

    june image
  • 2017 Slingshot Organizers at Kersplebedeb Leftwingbooks.NET

    By far the most popular way for anarchists to stay organized, the Slingshot 2017 organizers are here, complete with mini-calendar, daybook planner, address book section, international radical contact list, and nifty what happened on this day notes scattered throughout. The artwork, as ever, is wonderful in a chaotic punk rock way.

    Now in its 23rd year of publication, Slingshot is a 176 page planner/agenda with radical dates for every day of the year, space to write your phone numbers, a contact list of radical groups around the globe, menstrual calendar, info on police repression, extra note pages, plus much more. ...........READ MORE

  • Subscribe to Kersplebedeb Newsletter!

    If you want to stay up to date with what Kersplebedeb Publishing is working on, where we are tabling, or what news we think you should be paying attention to – please take a moment and let us know to keep you on the mailing list.

    Select “Kersplebedeb Newsletter” for general news of interest to everyone everywhere, and “Montreal List” if you want to receive news about events happening in Montreal.

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    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you subscribed to the Kersplebedeb mailing list prior to July 1, 2014, you must now ...........READ MORE


Free T-Shirts to Collective Projects

The following shirts are currently being liquidated by Kersplebedeb — what that means is that they are available for the cost of shipping, or for free if you are in Montreal. i want to give these shirts to collective projects helping to build our movements. Depending on the design, i may have dozens, or hundreds, to give. Please get in touch if you are interested: info@kersplebedeb.com barcode prison resist — abuse of power comes as no surprise anarchy child labor nike an education in butchery mcshit nation of sheep owned by pigs ruled by wolves what part of no don’t ...........READ MORE

Cops and LAM Go Hand in Hand (A Tale of State-Sponsored Antifascism, 1997)

This article was written twenty years ago for the magazine Antifa Forum; the details are not going to be of any real significance today. Nonetheless, it is being uploaded simply because the issue of state-recuperation of antifascism, and its perils, is sadly likely to become very germane in the future. Plus, it provides a little bit of interesting history of antifascism in Quebec.

Across North America people of varying political persuasions are taking a stand against racism. As revolutionary anti-fascists we of course believe that racism must always be opposed, but this doesn’t mean that every opponent of the extreme ...........READ MORE

The Magician’s Apprentice: Raoul Roy’s Luc Potvin (1998)

The following sidebar to The Past Is Our Master!?! was written in 1998; it is being uploaded here in the hoped of being of some interest

In the late eighties a number of committed nationalists worked with Indépendance, a magazine published by Marc Severson, François Robichaud and Mario Gagné (formerly of the Groupe d’Études et d’Action and a subsequent contributor to the Cahiers de Jeune Nation). Indépendance distinguished between French Canadians and Québecois, and, building on the arguments already elaborated by Raoul Roy, defined the nationalist struggle as being primarily cultural. While retaining anti-imperialist and progressive trappings, these positions led ...........READ MORE

Raoul Roy

Fascist Praises Cops: “Our People Have Remained Healthy” (1992)

Raoul Roy

On July 6th 1991 several undercover police officers were assigned to arrest Kirt Haywood, a short Black man with dreadlocks. They mistook Marcellus François, a tall Black man with short hair, for Haywood and followed him around Montreal. Finally, they pulled over his car and approached him, guns drawn, without identifying themselves. As he went to unfasten his seatbelt, police officer Michel Tremblay shot him through the head. Francois went into a coma and died a few days later.

This is the background to Police Chief Alain Saint-Germain’s unprecedented statement, in late January 1992, that this had ...........READ MORE


The Catholic Far Right in Quebec: Thumbnail Sketches

CQV’s gilles Grondin meeting with Pope John Paul II

The following was initially written in 1998, and somewhat updated in 2000. It should be considered a historical document, not an up-to-date history. The years since 2000 have surely witnessed major changes in the milieu. Nonetheless, it will hopefully be of some use.


As Quebec was going through its Quiet Revolution, Roman Catholicism was experiencing changes of its own. Conflicts that had been simmering for centuries were reaching the boiling point. In order to bring things up to date and resolve certain issues, the world’s bishops held a series of ...........READ MORE


A Brief History of the Far Right in Quebec, 1920s-1990s

The following text was written in 1998, and published in the magazine Antifa Forum under the title The Past is Our Master ?!?; a French-translation was subsequently independently published as the pamphlet Notre Maître le Passé?!?

This study ends 20 years ago – and so precedes the rise of Islamophobia as the central focus of the far right, most importantly – but even within the span of time that it covers, it should not be taken as complete (boneheads are not examined here, not are various far right New Age groups, groups that came in from the u.s. like ...........READ MORE


Those Who Have No Blood On Their Hands

Words fail me… i spent much of yesterday and the night before trying to write, but nothing measured up to the horror of the Quebec City massacre, where a young far-rightist shot up a mosque, killing six and wounding many more

i will come back to this, but as things are right now, all i could do was the following; these images can be downloaded from facebook, or here. The text on each image translated as “It wasn’t me who fired — My hands are clean.”

These are politicians and journalists, most but not all from Quebec, who have ...........READ MORE


Fermeture du consulat américain à Montréal / Shut down US consulate in Montreal

(le française suivra)


WHEN: Monday January 30 at 12 PM noon
WHERE: 1155 Rue St-Alexandre, Montréal (metro Place-des-arts) in Montreal
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/1269237373168896/

Remember sitting in school learning about history, thinking “If I was alive then, I would have…”
You are alive now. What you do now is what you would have done then.

-Now Is the Time-

We live in horrific times. The United States, the most powerful country in the world, has embarked on a path of naked racism, celebrating cruelty and contempt for the world’s poor and oppressed.

With his Muslim ban, his ...........READ MORE