Yahoo hack: How did hackers compromise senior politicians' private email accounts?

Updated January 17, 2017 18:08:43

Private email addresses, passwords belonging to politicians obtained by hackers Video: Private email addresses, passwords belonging to politicians obtained by hackers (ABC News)

Last October, an American security researcher approached a NSW Police intelligence officer offering a clandestine dataset.

Extensive log-in details for thousands of compromised personal email accounts belonging to Australian officials in the departments of Defence, Foreign Affairs, AusTrade, Immigration, the Federal Police and many other sensitive branches of government were handed over.

But what the intelligence analyst had received was in fact a diminutive sample of a much larger security breach affecting several million military and government officials worldwide.

It would not be until two months later that the global public would learn of the true magnitude of this incident: 1 billion Yahoo accounts had been compromised, the largest data breach in history.

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The criminal syndicate responsible for the Yahoo hack had been under the close watch of researchers at the Arizona security firm InfoArmor for some time, owing to their previous high-target exploits.

InfoArmor say they obtained the first sample from the Yahoo dataset as early as last August, and in September they received the entire data dump.

As it turned out, the internet giant Yahoo was using obsolete encryption methods and the officials' passwords were easily decrypted. Users' phone numbers, their work contact addresses, and other identifying information helped InfoArmor divide the data by the victims' nationalities.

Once the log-in credentials had been parsed, the cybersecurity firm then began approaching western law enforcement and intelligence agencies with data directly relevant to them.

This process was made relatively easy, InfoArmor's chief intelligence officer Andrew Komarov explained, as the affected users had linked their Yahoo email with their official work email.

"They have disclosed their places of work and this made very comfortable indicators of how to find them in this stolen dump," he said.

Mr Komarov said that since Australian officials were using their government email accounts for password recovery, all his team had to do was extract all the secondary email addresses using domain addresses, and it was these accounts he supplied to Australia.

"We were a bit surprised to see so many people from the government side using Yahoo," he added.

Who are the hackers?

Mr Komarov said that in his initial briefings to Australian intelligence officials, he detailed how this massive data theft was the work of a professional Russian-speaking cybercriminal syndicate, the same group suspected of hacking Dropbox, Tumblr, MySpace, and many other Internet services in recent years.

InfoArmor dub this syndicate, who are believed to operate out of eastern Europe, as "Group E".

"We don't see any indicators that Group E is state-sponsored or that they were specially approached to hack Yahoo." Mr Komarov said.

"Group E itself only has commercial motivations. They don't care who they hack."

Audio: Listen to Benjamin Sveen's story (AM)

According to Mr Komarov, the data was sold by Group E to three different buyers, who each paid $US300,000 for the complete dataset of approximately one billion accounts.

While the first two buyers appeared to be large scale spammers, the correspondence with a third led InfoArmor to believe it had a more sinister intention.

"Their third buyer its very clear to us was [working in] targeted espionage because of his objects of interest," Mr Komarov explained.

This third buyer, Mr Komarov said, verified the authenticity of the data by requesting Group E to supply several very specific accounts records, which pertained to individuals in senior government and military positions from the US and Europe, as well as some executives from multinational finance corporations.

After determining that Group E was selling the data they were after, the espionage representative decided to procure the whole dataset.

InfoArmor has declined to publicly speculate which foreign government this buyer serves.

How did government officials respond?

Shortly after NSW Police first learned of the Yahoo hack, the matter was referred to the Defence Department for further investigation.

The Defence spokesperson confirmed that it was notified about the breach by the NSW Police on October 13, but declined to detail what investigations were then undertaken, simply confirming that "Defence provided advice to potentially affected staff".

The Prime Minister's cyber advisor Alastair MacGibbon also declined to comment on what, if any, government investigations had been undertaken.

"It would be inappropriate for me to comment on what the Government has done or what individual agencies have done," he said.

"But clearly agencies that need to know are aware of the Yahoo breach."

Is the hack a serious threat for the Government?

Some experts argue that when you consider the sensitive government positions some of the victims hold, the risks to the Australian Government are considerable and numerous.

One of those experts is Dr Adam Molnar, a national security lecturer from Deakin University.

"The Australian Government should be doing an evaluative assessment of the information contained within those accounts to see how others could use that information, or if they have already used that information, either to gain a foothold into their own networks through malware attacks or any other kind of attack," Dr Molnar said.

"Access to personal accounts can lead to a trove of sensitive information which can be used to leverage entry into more secure government networks. Once an individual is inside a government network, they can potentially have persistent visibility."

A spokesperson from the Department of Foreign Affairs told the ABC that it "does not monitor officers' personal email accounts".

Mr Komarov said that it was pressure from Western governments which encouraged Yahoo to publicly disclose the extent of hack last December, three years after the initial breach.

"We have some good contacts for law enforcement in Australia because of some cases in the past," he said, adding that his company did not have any government clients in Australia.

"We share some information with them that is relevant to the Australian region."

Experts say the Australian Government should now be expecting an increased number of attempts to use data purloined from the stolen accounts to pretend to be officials, in what is known as "spear phishing attacks".

How did hackers get the account details?

One of the most alarming aspects of the breach was the discovery that Yahoo had used a faulty method of "hiding" its users' passwords, using an obsolete hashing algorithm called MD5.

By using MD5 algorithms, Yahoo stored users' passwords in what appears to be random numbers and letters. The problem is that the vast majority can be decrypted.

"MD5 is a very old hashing algorithm. It has a number of known weaknesses. So it's not commonly used anymore, and it shouldn't be commonly used," UNSW's Professor Richard Buckland said.

When the ABC tested a small sample of the MD5 hashes recovered from the Yahoo hack, it returned over 80 per cent of the passwords.

"We cracked some of the hashes [of Australian officials' encrypted passwords] to help them check it with their colleagues. Then they forwarded their results to Yahoo with some additional questions to them. So it helped to speed up the process of the investigation," Mr Komarov said.

"The Australian Government were one of the fastest in terms of feedback and reaction."

Topics: hacking, computers-and-technology, science-and-technology, law-crime-and-justice, government-and-politics, federal-government, australia

First posted January 17, 2017 12:39:57