
Slovakia's unemployed riots of 2004

In February and March 2004, the Roma unemployed in Slovakia responded to cuts in welfare provisions with demonstrations and looting. The state's response involved the greatest mobilization of police forces since the fall of Stalinism. Although the unrest was crushed, it managed to secure better conditions for all unemployed in Slovakia.

Strategies for resistance under neoliberalism: lessons from the Zapatistas and the Landless Workers' Movement

Zapatista Village.

This essay examines the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the Landless Workers' Movement and the ways that these movements have been able to persist for decades and surpass frequent limitations of revolutionary action under neoliberalism. These lessons are essential for efforts to build counter-power.

Authoritarian Neoliberalism: the Specter of Pinochet

Vaporwave Pinochet

This essay explores the rise of populist demagogues and the economics of their regimes. Rather than marking a clear break with neoliberalism or a direct tie to early twentieth century fascism, these figures historically connect to the regime of Augusto Pinochet and illustrate a growing trend of authoritarian-neoliberalism.

Barack Obama and the triumph of neoliberalism

Barack Obama with economic advisor Robert Rubin (right)

Democratic Party icon Robert Rubin's evasion of prosecution for criminal activities related to the housing bubble represents a notable triumph in the history of neoliberalism.

1983-85: Bolivian Protests and Strikes Defeat President

In 1983 Bolivia elected a left wing president supported by a coalition of leftist parties and union federations. However the President priorities the paying of foreign debt and brought in neoliberal reforms and lowered wages and living standards for many Bolivians. As a result he alienated his allies and thousands of industrial workers and peasants rebelled with a series of protests and strikes.

Invisible Hand and Iron Fist: Alejandro Ruess

An article detailing the effect of Pinochet Dictatorship in reshaping Chilean society even after the return of civilian rule.

Workers in a lean world: unions in the international economy - Kim Moody

Chinese toy factory workers.

In this comprehensive study of current labour relations worldwide, Kim Moody surveys both sides of the picket lines. He provides a measured assessment of multinational managements’ strategies to downsize, introduce flexible production and compel workers to accept less pay for more work. He emphasizes the need, in the face of these changes, for renewal and international coordination among national unions and provides examples, from North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia, of how this has been achieved.

The postmodern left and the success of neoliberalism

The international Left promotes its own image rather than engaging in the bitter reality of resistance against neoliberalism. It does not need to believe in postmodernism because it is postmodernism.

Neoliberalism against capitalism? - Neil Davidson

Neil Davidson on how the current neo-liberal project has been almost too successful as a ruling class strategy, creating a form of capitalism which endangers the long-term security of capital itself and edges society ever closer to barbarism.

Against students - Sara Ahmed

A creepy professor meme

Student activism - especially feminist and anti-racist activism - is conflated with neoliberalism and managerialism in order to be dismissed out of hand.