
Workers' control in Latin America, 1930-1979 - Jonathan C Brown

Peruvian miners on strike, 2008

A series of essays investigating the everyday acts through which Latin American workers attempted to assert more control over work processes and thereby add dignity to their lives, during the mass working class struggles in the mid-20th century. We do not agree with the leftist nationalist perspective of some of the essays but reproduce them all for the historical information therein.

Students, anarchists and categories of persecution in Chile, 1920

Raymond B. Craib on the repression of radical students and anarchists in 1920's Chile.

Agreements of the 2nd national convention of the Chilean IWW 1921

Resolutions passed by the 2nd national convention of the Chilean IWW in 1921 which includes discussion of housing, gender, and prisoner struggles along with calls to propagate libertarian communism and factory councils. Translation by S Nicholas Nappalos.

Understanding the Chilean Elections: Part I, Setting the Stage

Contrary to the occasional superficial report in the English-language media, the Chilean political and economic system is in a profound, long-term crisis of legitimacy that was in no way changed by the widely boycotted 2014 presidential election. Part I of a 2-part series.

Killers of IWW member Frank Teruggi sentenced in Chile

In February 2015, two former Chilean military intelligence officers were convicted of the murder of IWW member Teruggi and another American, Charles Horman. Teruggi and Horman were kidnapped, tortured and murdered during the military coup in Chile in 1973.

Complexities of Autonomy: Part Three of Four

A brief look at Latin American autonomous movements and their contradictions, third part of a four part overview of autonomous movements

Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littín

Cover of Clandestine in Chile

In 1985 Miguel Littin a Chilean exile re-enters Chile posing as a Uruguayan businessmen followed by three European film crews. His plan was to record a documentary about living under the Pinochet Dictatorship in secret. This is his account of what happened.

Thoughts on organization

A 1923 article by Armando Triviño, organizer of the Chilean IWW, discussing the IWW and the role of anarchism in the workers movement. Translated from the book Armando Triviño: Wobblie by Víctor M. Muñoz C. Editorial Quimantú, Colección Papeles para armar. Chile 2009

Chile port strike resumes

Chile port strike

Dockers in Chile ended a 3-week strike that inflicted over $100 million (US) in damages to both the lucrative agricultural export sector -- at a crucial harvest time -- and the world's largest copper industry.

Some reflections on libertarians in Chile and electoral participation

An article by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. and Rafael Agacino on anarchists participating in elections in Chile.