Senior Lecturer and Director of Environmental Law Programs, UNSW

Amelia Thorpe is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of New South Wales where she teaches and researches on urban planning and environmental law. She has a particular focus on public participation, stemming from her experience on deliberative and capacity-building projects at local, regional and international levels.

Amelia has degrees in law from Harvard Law School and the University of Oxford, as well as degrees in architecture and city policy from the University of Western Australia and Murdoch University. She has worked for the planning, transport and housing departments in Western Australia, and has been a consultant for organisations including the United Nations Development Programme. Prior to joining UNSW, Amelia was a director at the Environmental Defenders Office (NSW), Australia’s largest public interest environmental law organisation.


  • 2014–present
    Senior lecturer, UNSW Australia
  • 2012–2014
    Lecturer, UNSW Australia