
At Data61, we are creating our data-driven future. By combining the expertise of the CSIRO Digital Productivity and NICTA teams, we are building the world’s leading data-focused research and innovation powerhouse. A CSIRO entity, Data61 provides a network of capabilities, addressing key growth areas for a data-focused world including: Autonomous systems, Computer vision, Data analytics, Digital economy, Machine learning, Mobile systems, Optimisation, Software systems, Wireless and networks.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 50 articles

It’s important to get the research across to and understood by decision-makers. Shutterstock/

Listen up: a plan to help scientists get their research heard by decision-makers

Research comes with risk and uncertainty so getting the right message across to the people who matter can be a challenge for scientists. A new plan out today hopes to change that.
Could killer robots like Maximilian from the 1979 film Black Hole become reality? Walt Disney Productions

Australia should take a stand against ‘killer robots’

We need to ban lethal autonomous weapons, or "killer robots", as we have done with biological weapons, land mines and blinding lasers, and Australia should take a leading role in making that happen.
Spectators in South Korea look on as AlphaGo takes on Go champion Lee Se-dol. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

AI has beaten us at Go. So what next for humanity?

A machine has bested us at yet another intellectually challenging game. It shows artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly, but it doesn't mean humans are redundant quite yet.
Have questions about robots and artificial intelligence? Shutterstock

Your questions answered on artificial intelligence

Is genuine artificial consciousness possible? Should we protect jobs from automation? Your questions on AI and robots answered here.
Doc (Christopher Lloyd) and Marty (Michael J Fox) in 2015. Universal Studios

It’s Back to the Future Day today – so what are the next future predictions?

The movie got some predictions right on what Doc and Marty would find when the arrive in the "future" today. But what could they find if they took another 30 year leap into the future?
Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. nikcname/Flickr

Australia could become a leader in cybersecurity research

Online infrastructure and business are becoming increasingly important, as is our need to focus research efforts on securing them from cyber-attack.

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