Daily Life

#Hurtbae is the latest way the internet is going to break your heart

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A viral video showing a former couple speaking candidly about infidelity in their relationship is currently giving the internet all of the feels. The video was created for website The Scene, part of Conde Naste Entertainment which makes video content for publishers such as Buzzfeed, Vogue and The Onion. It shows a woman called Kourtney Jorge and Leonard facing each other and Jorge asking Leonard why he cheated on her, and for how long and how many times, and why he stomped all over her heart.

Like the time she asks him how many times he cheated on her and Leonard replies,  "I don't know...I wasn't counting." Oof. 

It is, of course, heartbreaking. Especially for anybody who has ever been cheated on by their partner and wondered why. 

And it's inspired the internet to rally behind Jorge, with a new hashtag created, #HurtBae, allowing people to show their support, bond over sheer raw emotion, and share their views on what constitutes an acceptable way to act in a relationship.

As for Jorge, she says she's been overwhelmed by the internet having her back, writing on her Instagram, "This entire experience has been incredibly overwhelming - I never thought the video would receive this type of response."

Perhaps the key take-out here? Closure is a mixed bag, and sometimes the internet can be a healing place. Oh, and nobody else better mess with #hurtbae.

Watch the full video here.