Will you still love me when I'm 64

 Paul McCartney with his beloved first wife Linda, whom he undoubtedly would have still been with when he turned 64 if ...
Paul McCartney with his beloved first wife Linda, whom he undoubtedly would have still been with when he turned 64 if she hadn't died beforehand. Archive Photos
by Steve Meacham

Liverpool's most popular museum, The Beatles Story, recently asked any "Fab Four" fans celebrating their 64th birthday in 2017 to contact them. It's 50 years since the first song the Beatles recorded for their iconic 1967 album, Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, was completed.

George Martin (the band's legendary producer) called When I'm Sixty-Four the album's "jokey song", a classic counterpoint to George Harrison's sombre, spiritual and sitar-influenced Within You without You which started Side Two. Yet Paul McCartney's jaunty, music hall melody now causes more angst and introspection than any of the other more exulted tracks on the album.

Why? Because Baby Boomers regard it with special dread.

If you had the misfortune to be born in the 1950s, celebrating your 64th has become far more gut-wrenching than your 60th ever was. Or your 65th could ever possibly be. As a rite of passage, it's simply the pits. Search the web and you'll find entreaties from both sexes complaining about the pressure they felt. Some post photos of themselves looking hot. Subtext? "Be honest – does my backside look 64 to you?"

Paul McCartney rocks out at the Grammys in 2006, the year he turned 64 amid the tumult of his failing marriage to ...
Paul McCartney rocks out at the Grammys in 2006, the year he turned 64 amid the tumult of his failing marriage to Heather Mills. AP

Others – mostly divorced, as McCartney has been – insist they're perfectly happy to celebrate their 64th alone. Either with a bottle of decent red, a pedicure and a good book or with a malt whisky, a good steak and a game of footy on the TV.

Some ardent feminists believe Macca's lyric is a male conspiracy: "Why shouldn't a woman be 'handy mending a fuse' when her 'lights have gone'? What Neanderthal assumes it won't be the woman coming home at 'a quarter to three' after a night on the tiles? Hoping for a new scarf for your 64th? Then knit it yourself by the effing fireside, or buy it online like anyone else."

Sadly, such vitriol can be attributed to McCartney's seemingly innocuous lyric, which set a new benchmark for "Old Age".

In 1967, no one listening to Sgt Pepper's ever imagined a time they would have to "scrimp and save" to rent "a cottage on the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear". They preferred the anarchic future – best encapsulated in the Who's anthem, My Generation, written by Pete Townshend two years earlier: "Hope I die before I get old."

84 the new 64

The cover of <i>Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</i>. Paul McCartney's "jokey song" was a counterpoint to George ...
The cover of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Paul McCartney's "jokey song" was a counterpoint to George Harrison's sombre Within You without You.

And let's remember this: 50 years ago, 64 was definitely old. In the year McCartney was born (1942) average life expectancy for a British male was 63. By 2030 (according to Imperial College London research) it will be 86 years (88 for British women).

No wonder 84 is being called "the new 64". Perhaps McCartney should update the title?

Still, few who grew up with the Beatles providing the soundtrack of their youth can reach this age without humming the tune and pausing for self-reflection. Am I who I expected to be at 64? Is the person lying next to me who I expected to be with at 64? How does my own complicated life compare to the sublime domesticity envisaged by McCartney's youthful protagonist proposing to the girl he wants to spend a life with: "And if you say the word/I could stay with you"?

Is there a Baby Boomer who hasn't been reminded of this song on this dreaded day? Not Paul Simon, born the year before McCartney. He picked up the phone on his 64th birthday to be greeted with the former Beatle serenading him with the song he probably least wished to hear. (The Sound of Silence might well have been a better choice.)

Paul McCartney playing the piano at the Melbourne Town Hall in 1964. He wrote <i>When I'm 64</i> on his father's ...
Paul McCartney playing the piano at the Melbourne Town Hall in 1964. He wrote When I'm 64 on his father's instrument when he was 16 and fine-tuned it for Sgt Pepper's.

Of course, there are far worse things than having 64 candles on your cake. Two Beatles never made it. John Lennon was assassinated, aged 40. Harrison died of lung cancer at 58. Ringo Starr, 77 this year, passed the milestone in 2004, but his celebration escaped media scrutiny. Macca's 64th in 2006, however, generated worldwide attention, not just because he wrote the song but also because he'd just split with his second wife, Heather Mills, a month earlier. ("Will you still be sending me a Valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?" Probably not, the world concluded.)

Opinions always divided

Opinions were always divided. Was McCartney taking the mickey out of his grandparents' generation? Was it meant affectionately? Did it match the genius of other songs on Sgt Pepper's? Like A Day in the Life? Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds? Or the Beatles songs that came before: Eleanor Rigby, Strawberry Fields Forever or Penny Lane?

A few weeks before his murder, Lennon was disparaging about 64. "That was Paul's," he said. "I would never dream of writing a song like that. There are some areas I never think about, and [old age] is one of them."

McCartney and his second wife, Heather Mills. Their acrimonious divorce meant the lyrics to <i>64</i> were subjected to ...
McCartney and his second wife, Heather Mills. Their acrimonious divorce meant the lyrics to 64 were subjected to line-by-line analysis when he reached that age. AP

Prescient, as it turned out.

At other times, Lennon said he'd added a few phrases, which sounds more likely given the Beatles had been performing 64 long before it appeared on Sgt Pepper's.

"It was just one of those [songs] that he'd had, that we've all got, a half song really," Lennon explained when describing how the Sgt Pepper's songs were written. "We just stuck a few more words on it like 'Grandchildren on your knee' and 'Vera, Chuck, and Dave'."

Composed when McCartney was 16

Paul McCartney met Linda in 1967, when he was fine-tuning the song that gives Baby Boomers the collywobbles.
Paul McCartney met Linda in 1967, when he was fine-tuning the song that gives Baby Boomers the collywobbles. AP

Famously, it was the first tune McCartney composed, probably in 1958 when he was 16. His father, Jim McCartney, working in the cotton industry, was also a part-time band leader and jazz trumpeter. He'd bought an upright piano from North End Music Store owned by Harry Epstein (father of Brian, later to become manager of the Beatles) and encouraged both sons to play.

"I wrote When I'm Sixty-Four on that [piano] when I was still 16," McCartney recalled in his most reliable interview. "It was all rather tongue in cheek, and I never forgot it. I wrote [it] vaguely thinking it could come in handy in a musical comedy or something."

Both Lennon and Pete Best (the drummer replaced by Starr in 1962) recalled performing it around the piano at Liverpool's Cavern Club whenever their electric equipment failed or their amps grew too hot. So it must have had words and a title. That was poignant. McCartney's "mother, Mary" (whose memory later inspired him to write Let It Be), died of cancer in 1956, aged 47. So his own parents would never enjoy the comfortable, cosy relationship the young suitor offers his lover when they reach old age: "You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday mornings go for a ride." (Paul and brother Mike went to live with relatives for several months while their father grieved.)

However basic the lyrics were before they stopped touring in 1966, McCartney improved them in 1967. He was particularly proud of "indicate precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely, Wasting Away".

'Too vaudevillian'

"I thought it was a good little tune but too vaudevillian, so I had to get some cod lines to take the sting out of it," he said in Many Years from Now, which he wrote with Barry Miles in 1999. "It's pretty much my song. I did it in a rooty-tooty variety style. George [Martin] helped me on the clarinet arrangement … Of course, when George Martin was 64 I had to send him a bottle of wine."

Though Jim McCartney had just celebrated his 64th after recently remarrying, his son has consistently said this was coincidental.

McCartney's own 64th (June 18, 2006) was always going to spark media analysis. Because of his acrimonious divorce, the lyric was afforded an added layer of line-by-line analysis. Sure, he wasn't losing his hair, but everyone knew he dyed it a strange colour. And there would be no "doing the garden, digging the weeds" with Mills.

 Paul and Linda McCartney's daughters, Mary and Stella, arranged for the couple's grandchildren to record a version of ...
Paul and Linda McCartney's daughters, Mary and Stella, arranged for the couple's grandchildren to record a version of his "vaudevillian" song at Abbey Road studios for his 64th birthday. AP

As for "Who could ask for more?", Mills was reportedly asking for a large part of his fortune, then estimated at £825 million.

McCartney was the last Beatle to be divorced – just as he'd been the last bachelor and the last to remarry. In 2011, McCartney married his third wife, Nancy Shevell, 18 years his junior, another soulmate – like his first wife, photographer Linda Eastman.

Probably not about Linda

Some assume When I'm Sixty-Four is about Linda, since they met in 1967 as he was fine-tuning the song. And is there any doubt she would still be both needing him and feeding him (vegetarian cuisine, obviously) had she not died of cancer in 1998? Yet Paul and Linda didn't start dating until after the release of Sgt Pepper's.

Mills wasn't at the "quiet family barbecue" that McCartney spent with his five children (including Beatrice, his baby daughter with Mills). But yes, When I'm Sixty-Four was sung.

According to Fleet Street, daughters Mary and Stella arranged for his grandchildren to record a version of the song at the legendary Abbey Road studios.

And, yes, there were just three grandchildren then. (Now he has eight.)

Their names? Arthur, Elliott and Miller.

<i>Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</i> was packed with Beatles classics but one track resonates with those staring ...
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was packed with Beatles classics but one track resonates with those staring at age pension eligibility.

Not a Vera, Chuck or Dave in sight.

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