Honduras Solidarity


Manuel Zelaya, the elected president of Honduras, was overthrown in a right wing coup on June 28, 2009. While at first the administration of US President Barack Obama distanced itself from the coup, it has since been learned that the US government supported the coup and its aftermath in a variety of direct and indirect ways. At the time the coup was underway, there was little in the way of a Honduras solidarity movement here in the US. However, the Alliance for Global Justice had been paying attention when we saw the crisis that was developing in the Central American country and when we got the word that the coup was underway, we started mobilizing immediately and released the first alerts to US activists to take action against what was happening. We also must mention and congratulate our friends at School of the Americas Watch who rapidly organized a demonstration that same day at the Honduran Embassy in Washington DC. We were also co-founders of the Honduras Solidarity Network which we continue to support and participate in. For more information send an email to Chuck@AFGJ.org or call 202-540-8336 ext. 1.

Urgent: Calls needed to stop violent repression in Honduras

In this very moment (2pm CST October 20th, 2016), in response to the mass march led by the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), the Honduran militarized “Tigres” police force (supported by financing from the United States) has unleashed brutal repression including pepper spray, tear gas, water tank and beating with nightclubs. There are many families with children participating in the march and whose health and lives are at risk. The march was called by COPINH to demand justice for its assassinated General Coordinator Berta Caceres, an independent international commission to investigate her assassination, and the immediate cancellation of the concession granted to the DESA corporation to develop the Agua Zarca dam in Rio Blanco, along with all other mining and hydroelectric concessions on Lenca indigenous territory.

June 15th- Join the Global Day of Action for Justice for Berta!

GlobalDayOfActionfor Berta

Participate in the Online Action! STILL NO JUSTICE FOR BERTA CÁCERES!  In solidarity with the call to action by the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) for June 15, 2016, the Honduras Solidarity Network of North America (HSN) is organizing an electronic action to support COPINH and the Honduran people at…

Register for AfGJ’s National Call: What’s Going on In Honduras & the Importance of International Solidarity and Human Right accompaniment

Honduras webinar

Thurs, May 26 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET Register Here Ever since a popular president was overthrown by a US supported military coup the majority working and farming population of Honduras have been under severe attack by the oligarchy controlled Honduran Government, and their military and paramilitary thugs. This worsening horror is taking place under…

Berta Cáceres: Indigenous leader one more victim of US-approved coup in Honduras

Gustavo Castro

The Alliance for Global Justice is outraged that almost seven years after the Obama White House and Clinton State Department supported a military coup in Honduras to oust its democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya, Hondurans continue to be killed for political reasons. This time it is our friend and indefatigable indigenous rights and environmental activist,…

Help Save Lives – Support Honduras Solidarity Network


  If it were not for the Honduras Solidarity Network (US & Canada), Honduras would be an even more dangerous place to be a union organizer, a peasant cooperative member, an indigenous activist, a student demonstrator, an LGBT organizer, an investigative journalist, or a human rights worker.   It is the courageous people of Honduras,…

Webinar on Honduras and Solidarity: Sign up now!

Repression and Resistance–Violence and Migration–Imperialism and Solidarity The Honduras Solidarity Network in North America invites you to participate in an educational webinar and conversation about solidarity with Honduras and the role of the US and multinational corporations in the region.  January 17, 2016 Register Now In June 2009 a military coup overthrew an elected government…

If We Want to Save the World – An Internationalist Declaration


The same imperialism that has caused so much damage to the Global South today continues expanding and threatening the whole planet. Consequently, the struggle for climate justice has converted into a struggle for the liberation of all workers, peasants, indigenous and ecosystems. The struggle against Empire is a struggle to save life on Earth. (Originally…

The Hope of A Broken Heart


An International Human Rights Observer’s reflectionBy Brian Peterson “I’ve seen the flame of hope among the hopeless. And that was truly the greatest heartbreak of all.” Bruce Cockburn The Last Night of the World Canadian musician and poet Bruce Cockburn reminds us that even in a world of moral ambiguity, there are those moments in…

Honduras Promotes “Utopian Vision” Based on Violent Land Grabbing at San Francisco Event

Alliance for Global Justice along with other Latin American solidarity organizations and activists will be protesting the promotion of the charter cities initiatives at Monday’s San Francisco event. Our Honduras delegation last year investigating charter cities concluded that these initiatives were anti-democratic, and will likely lead to a loss of sovereignty, an exacerbation of inequality,…

Preliminary Report of the Honduras Solidarity Network regarding the Elections of 2013


Preliminary Report of the Delegation of Honduras Solidarity Network regarding the Honduran Elections of 2013 (Originally posted http://www.hondurassolidarity.org/report1/ ) November 26, 2013 Tegucigalpa, Honduras This report is a preliminary summary of observations based on the accounts from the US-based Honduras Solidarity Network / Alliance for Global Justice election observation delegation. The HSN/AGJ delegation was comprised of…

HSN – Northern Zone Statement on Immigration Harrassment of Delegation

Honduras Elections

Republished from Honduras Solidarity Network At approximately 10 am the morning of 22 of November, 4 people identifying themselves as Honduran Immigration agents, arrived at the offices of ERIC-SJ (Equipo de Reflexión Investigación y Comunicación – Honduras) , asking to see members of the HSN/AGJ delegation of international observers in Honduras for national elections this…

Honduras Human Rights Crises Continues

Violence mural

Observers from the United States and Canada Travel to Honduras for November 24th Elections The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and Marin Task Force on the Americas (MITF) are taking 58 people to  Honduras to serve as election observers and human right observers for the upcoming national elections in which a new political party (LIBRE),…

Nicaragua Vive! 35 years since the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution

30th anniversary Nicaragua

By Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice July 19, 2014 marks the 35th anniversary of the Triumph of the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua. On that day, the Sandinista troops led by the nine commanders of the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN), entered the capital city of Managua where they were greeted by…

Why Aren’t Nicaragua’s Children Fleeing to the United States?

Nicaraguan schools have 96% retention rate.

Nicaragua Network Alert —  June 30, 2014 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part. Please credit the Nicaragua Network. Click here to see revealing Border Patrol map of the origins of migrant children detainees A supporter sent us a letter to the editor she had written to counter all the right-wing letters…

Imperio de Cárceles: cómo los Estados Unidos está extendiendo el encarcelamiento en masa alrededor del mundo


por James Jordan, Alianza por la Justicia Global Traducción por Adrian Boutureira Sansberro In English Resumen… Este artículo explica cómo los Estados Unidos están exportando su modelo de encarcelamiento en masa y control social y político hacia al menos 25 países. Este ” imperialismo penitenciario” tiene sus raíces en el Programa de Mejoramiento del Sistema Penitenciario Colombiano…

Honduras: Human Rights Accompaniment Delegation

Alliance for Global Justice June 22-July 1, 2014 On the fifth anniversary of the coup that overthrew democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya, the nonviolent National Front for Popular Resistance, farmers, students, labor unionists, LGBT activists, and regular people request our accompaniment in the face of violence and repression. Join the Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ)…

Observadores electorales internacionales, Garantizando elecciones limpias o blanqueando fraude?

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En inglés: http://upsidedownworld.org/main/honduras-archives-46/4601-international-election-monitors-in-honduras-do-they-ensure-clean-elections-or-whitewash-fraud Miles de millones de electrones ya se han gastado en escribir sobre las elecciones presidenciales de Honduras del 24 de noviembre de 2013. Como observador electoral y líder de una delegación de 55 monitores organizada por la Alianza por la Justicia Global (Alliance for Global Justice-AfGJ) y el Marin Task Force on the…

Honduras Election Monitoring Report


National Elections, November 24, 2013 Prepared by: Alliance for Global Justice & Task Force on the Americas EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PDF : FINAL REPORT PDF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chuck Kaufman, Alliance for Global Justice and Dale Sorenson, Task Force on the Americas Email: Chuck@AFGJ.org    Email: geodale1@earthlink.net Phone: 202-540-8336 x1     Phone: 415-924-3227 North American Observer Delegation…

Honduras: The Struggle for Democracy, Human Rights & the Environment

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This presentation and discussion, filmed by students of the Evergreen State College, was taken from the 2013 Tear Down The Walls National Gathering in Tucson, AZ for broadcast on TCTV and 106.5 KOWA-FM in Olympia, WA. See below for sponsoring organizations and check out our channel for more from this conference hosted by The Alliance…

The Honduran People under a Permanent Coup d’Etat

Articulo en español abajo: By OFRANEH: The latest Coup d’Etat perpetrated in the early hours of December 12 in Honduras, when the National Congress voted to remove four Supreme Court justices, places front and center once again the dictatorship the country has experienced since June 28, 2009. The ultra-right of Honduras has been offering up…

Honduras Human Rights Primary Elections Accompaniment Delegation

Invitation to join the Honduras Human Rights Primary Elections Accompaniment Delegation – Nov. 18, 2012 LIBRE, the party of the National Front for Popular Resistance (FNRP), is holding primary elections for President and National Assembly on Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012. The FNRP is the organization uniting labor, teachers, students, campesino, Afro-Honduran, and indigenous groups, LGBT,…

LGBT Assassinations in Honduras! Ask Your Rep to Sign This Congressional Letter!

IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! Contact the Foreign Policy Staffer in Washington DC Office of Your U.S. Representative! On Monday, June 11, 2012, U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) began circulating a House sign-on “Dear Colleague” letter (found below) addressing the murders of 70 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) Hondurans since the June 2009 coup, and seeking…

US participation in massacre of Moskito people!

On May 22 and 23 a delegation of human rights activists from the United States organized by Rights Action and Alliance for Global Justice visited the community of Ahuás in the Moskitia region of Honduras. The delegation witnessed an atmosphere of terror being generated amongst dire poverty in an area where the indigenous people are…

The Coup vs. Honduran Popular Movement Delegation!

Honduras Delegation: May 19-28, 2012 DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 19! Since the June 2009 military coup, large landowners in the fertile Aguan Valley of Northern Honduras have used the military, police, and private security guards, to terrorize villages and expand their lucrative African palm plantations. Canadian and US transnational corporations are pushing mining and tourist…

Honduras: Human Rights Letter to US Embassy

U.S. Embassy: We are a group of 10 concerned United States citizens who came to Honduras as a delegation of human rights observers from January 6-15, 2012 to understand the human rights situation that is taking place in the Aguán Valley. According to a report presented to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on October…

Honduras Delegation – Coup vs. Democracy

Rights Action / Alliance for Global Justice Honduras Delegation May 19-28, 2012 Since the June 2009 military coup, large landowners in the fertile Aguan Valley of Northern Honduras have used the military, police, and private security guards, to terrorize villages and expand their lucrative African palm plantations. Canadian and US transnational corporations are pushing mining…