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Infections in Hospital

Public Hospitals

Infections in Hospitals

Infection rates of
Staph Areus Bacteraemia

Image of petri dish
1.3 infections per 10,000 patient care days Number of infections in SVHA per 10,000 patients White circle background with text

National benchmark
< 2.0 per 10,000 patient care days

For the last 12 months there were 35 SAB infections at a rate of 1.3 infections per 10,000 patient care days across our public hospitals. This is an improvement from the 53 infections 12 months ago at a rate of 1.6 infections per 10,000 patient care days 12 months ago. Strategies that have helped reduce our infection rate include washing our hands often or using an alcohol-based hand rub when a sink is not handy, keeping wounds, cuts and abrasions clean and covered until healed, not sharing personal items such as towels and keeping the environment clean.

Private Hospitals

Infections in Hospitals

Infection rates of
Staph Areus Bacteraemia

Image of petri dish
0.51 infections per 10,000 patient care days Number of infections in SVHA per 10,000 patients White circle background with text

National benchmark
< 2.0 per 10,000 patient care days

Across the Private Division, the SAB rate was 0.51 infections per 10,000 patient care days or 19 infections. This is an improvement from the previous 12 months where there were 26 infections at a rate of 0.61 infections per 10,000 patient care days. Click on read more to see facility level data.
