The ‘suffering’ of Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison – @Qldaah #auspol

The true victims of the refugee crisis on Nauru and Manus Island revealed.

Don Dale abuses: Nigel Scullion went to dinner – @Qldaah #ntpol #auspol

Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion’s office was given advanced warning of the airing of the ABC Four Corners program, Australia’s Shame. However, the minister kept his dinner date.

Anglican church offers #refugees sanctuary from @PeterDutton_MP’s “black shirts”: @jansant reports

Churches have stepped up their campaign to end Australia’s harmful refugee policies by offering sanctuary to 267 people including 37 babies, facing imminent removal to Nauru. Refugee advocates had hoped for a change in the harsh and punitive government policies under new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), this has not eventuated. The move will draw […]

#SeaLevelRise comment engulfs Dutton, Abbott in #Auspol #Pacific #climate storm – @takvera

Australia’s Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has made a joke of Pacific Nations facing rising sea levels due to climate change. The Australian Prime Minister, recently returned from meeting with Pacific Island Nations in Port Moresby, laughed at the joke, before Social Services Minister Scott Morrison pointed out the boom microphone overhead. [View the story “#SeaLevelRise […]

Compassionistas Vs Christianistas: Choosing refugees based on religion highly unusual – @Qldaah #auspol

The Australian’s Chris Kenny has used the word “compassionistas” to decry people of “moral vanity” who responded to the current Syrian refugee crisis yet seemingly ignored the deaths at sea under the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Government. Kenny wrote, “The moral poseurs – or compassionistas as I have called them – are at pains to show us their compassionate virtue but […]

#CommanderInGaffe – PM bumbles his way through “Allegiance to Australia” bill: @Qldaah #auspol

Blog of media reports on the “Commander-in-gaffe” story. Check back regularly for updates.   (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (June 26, 2015)  – ASIO using Washington Post maps. (June 25, 2015)  – Questions over maps. (June 24, 2015)  – Abbott in ASIO bunker. . Introduction As his “Allegiance to Australia” legislation was about to be […]

By hook or by crook – The #CashForTurnbacks scandal: @Qldaah #auspol

Live blog of the media reports on the “cash for turnbacks” crisis. Check back regularly for updates.   (Jump to comments section) Introduction. (February 5, 2016) – Senate inquiry, Canberra. (December 2, 2015) – Court proceedings, Indonesia. (November 8, 2015) – Government operates within the law. (November 5, 2015) – People smugglers go on trial. (October 30, […]