Pauline Hanson filmed handling Great Barrier Reef coral – @qldaah #qldpol #auspol

One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson has been filmed handling coral on a visit to the Great Barrier Reef.

How @margokingston1 saw Hansonism in 2004

  Intro: Extract of Still Not Happy, John: Defending our Democracy (Penguin 2007) Democracy v. the Beast Her appeal was simply that she represented something authentic  in a culture of artefact. She was transparent in an era during  which the political class have become expert at concealment. She was a still point in a culture […]

We need to talk about Pauline: @burgewords comments on #PaulineHanson

Like all political parties, One Nation sends mixed messages, and its followers are able to live with policy blind spots, just like other Australians. WITH no result on election night, it wasn’t too surprising when people came up to our market stall at Cleveland in South East Queensland on Sunday morning asking who’d won. We weren’t selling anything, […]

The legal saga against One Nation, and legal possibilities against Abbott

Margo Kingston: For people interested in the details of the One Nation court saga, the Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission published a report in 2004. Here we publish its findings on Abbott’s involvement, then my 2003 Webdiary piece  on the possibilities for legal action by Hanson and Ettridge and an explanation of champerty and maintenance. CMC […]