Using our website

arrow Where can I provide feedback?

We welcome all feedback and are always keen to hear from our subscribers.

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arrow I am logged into my subscription account, so why am I still seeing a “Subscribe Now’ prompt?

Remember that you need to login to each device that you are using.

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arrow How can I access Today’s Paper?

Subscribers, who have activated their digital access, can download a digital version of today’s printed paper by logging in to The Age and selecting Today’s Paper at the top of the page.

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arrow I am logged into my subscription account, so why am I still seeing a ‘Subscribe Now’ prompt?

To double-check that you’re logged in, look at the right-hand corner of The Age website. If you can see a blue Log In button then you’re yet to log in.

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arrow I’m having trouble logging in. What should I do?

If you have your email and password, you should be able to log in easily.

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