Jealous Julie

I have always said that to be a member of the Liberal party, it must be a pre-requisite for one to take nasty, vicious pills.

If so, Julie Bishop has obviously overdosed.

I have also said that Ms Bishop the younger, is the most nasty, vicious woman in Parliament. Her spiteful cat calling across the Chamber during Question Time is legendary and extremely unbecoming of a fellow woman Parliamentarian.

I thought Ms Mirabella was bad enough but Ms Bishop trumps even her.

Now we have Ms Bishop’s recent interview in the Tasmanian newspaper, The Examiner, as absolute proof that her spitefulness and jealousy has now reached a new low.

Kicking someone when they’re down.


Taking a page out Abbott’s book maybe.


Ms Bishop, in her interview with the Gazette, has sought to blame the victim of Abbott’s vile, aggressive, bullying, seditious attacks during the three years of the hung parliament.


Quote:  “She had the most powerful position in the country. She was the most powerful elected representative in Australia and yet she chose to play a victim instead of face up to her own incompetence and misjudgments and miscalculations.”

Oh Ms Bishop – how very wrong you are – and how dare you try to turn yours and Tony Abbott’s constant vile, vicious verbal and visual attacks on Ms Gillard as her fault.

You, Ms Bishop are no shining light yourself.

Let me remind people of the sort of woman you are.


In the 1980s, working under her married name Julie Gillon, Bishop was deeply involved in some of Slater & Gordon’s biggest asbestos cases.

Lawyer Peter Gordon told Australian Doctor magazine in 2007: “We had to fight even for the right of dying cancer victims to get a speedy trial. I recall sitting in the WA Supreme Court in an interlocutory hearing for the test cases involving Wittenoom miners Mr. Peter Heys and Mr. Tim Barrow. CSR was represented by Ms. Julie Bishop (then Julie Gillon). (She) was rhetorically asking the court why workers should be entitled to jump court queues just because they were dying.”



You, Ms Bishop, sort to deny workers dying of workplace asbestos disease, a quick resolution to their court case. What a low act.

Ms Bishop has also sat back, smirked or glared with her infamous death stare, without once offering a comment of disgust at her Liberal Party colleagues appalling sexist attacks on Ms Gillard, nor or a sisterhood word of support.

Bill Heffernan’s “deliberately barren” comment of Ms Gillard “won” the 2007 most sexist comment award. Something LNP MP’s are no doubt very proud of.


(Ms Bishop herself has no children, lives with her partner, Peter Nattrass, himself a notorious former Mayor of Perth.)

David Farley, CEO Australia Agriculture Company and LNP supporter, referred to Ms Gillard as “an unproductive old cow”


Abbott himself, with his deliberate sly comment re the Labor Government reducing the baby bonus “I think if the Government was a bit more experienced in this area, they wouldn’t come out with glib lines like that.”

Grahame Morris, former Chief Adviser to John Howard said, “Prime Minster Julia Gillard should be kicked to death”


Steve Ciobo, LNP Gold Coast MP for Moncrieff, said of Gillard “Labor MP’s want to “slit her throat”.


Tony Abbott, Sophie Mirabella, Bronwyn Bishop, Indigenous WA MP Ken Wyatt, the young and impressionable National Party MP Wyatt Roy and other LNP MP’s also proudly stood in front of “Ditch the Witch” and “Bob Brown’s bitch “ signs.


Where was Ms Bishop after these loathsome comments and photos were made public? Was she out there describing this vile, sexist behaviour as totally unacceptable?



Her silence only indicated her complicity in agreeing with these ugly, gutter, sexist tactics.

This is a woman whose loyalty gene has been stretched beyond belief – almost like an old pair of undies of which the elastic has well and truly gone and they are now falling down around her ankles. Firstly, runner up to Brendan Nelson. Then Malcolm Turnbull. Now Tony Abbott.  Every time the LNP has stabbed another leader in the back, there was Nurse Bishop pulling out the knife, patching up the wound of the man she had just declared her undying loyalty to – at the same time giving a wink and a nudge and declaring her new found love and loyalty to the next conservative white male in a blue tie.

Ms Bishop can switch her dysfunctional, erratic loyalty on and off like a light switch.

But, regardless, she will always be the LNP bridesmaid.

For as much as she would have dearly loved it, Julie Bishop will NEVER, EVER be Australia’s FIRST female Prime Minister. Nor, will she ever be the second or the third female Prime Minister.

She is also doomed never to even be Australia’s first female ACTING Prime Minister because under the dodgy Coalition minority Government arrangements, that mantle goes to the Leader of National Party (and God forbid if Barnaby Joyce wins New England he could well be Acting PM whilst Abbott flits off overseas for all those meetings he once said Labor PM’s should never take.)

Julia Gillard also delivered for the Australian people two of the most progressive reforms in our political history – Better Schools reform, Disability Care reform… things that you Ms Bishop, would probably never even have thought of let alone deliver.

So, Ms Bishop, you are in no position to critisise Julia Gillard.

Because Julia Gillard will always have the title that you so desperately craved and are now so insanely jealous of.

Australia’s FIRST female Prime Minister.

Give that one the death stare Ms Bishop. Still wont change anything. You will still and always be – the second hand, constantly recycled bridesmaid of the LNP.

…and by the way Ms Bishop (to borrow from USA Democrat Senator LLoyd Bentson 1988)

“You are no Julia Gillard.”


Make a graceful exit, PM, while you still can

Posted for interest only. Posting does not necessarily mean endorsement.

The Arsonist of Democracy and Decency

Australians, last week, watched in despair (at least I hope they did) as the conservative right wing side of politics reached depths of ugliness never before seen in Australian politics.
That menu, Sattler and Devine with their obsession about female body parts and sexuality, (I’m surprised Bernardi hasn’t thrown in a barb or two) disgraced not only themselves, but the world’s impression of us as a people.
Robust political verbal battles are not something new.
But this new gutter level ugliness that has pervaded our political discourse from the day the Independents gave the nod to Julia Gillard to take the reins of Government, is.
Abbott lit the fire, fanned the flames, became the gale that turned it into an inferno, sat back and watched it rage – and now – like many arsonists, has jumped on the fire truck to be one of the heroes to put it out.
Whereas Howard let the racist genie out of the bottle, Abbott has let the ugly, bullying sexist genie out of the bottle.
From the moment Abbott lost the Prime Ministership, he has set about bringing down this minority Government and destroying the credibility of Julia Gillard.
His ugly rantings in Parliament, vicious verbal attacks and the credence he gave to the use of vile language against the Prime Minister when standing in front of “those” placards – has given permission to all those right wing, vicious haters of Labor and in particular women, to come out of the closet, put up their hands and voice publicly and loudly – what was once only ever said in the privacy of ones home or in a sniggering, sexist conversation at the pub – snide, degrading, dirty comments.
He has sat back and watched whilst his minions have perpetrated some of the most contemptible attempts to bring down a democratically Government in our history. He has branded this minority Government illegitimate (without acknowledging that had he been given the nod -according to his own theory – he too, would have led an illegitimate Government!) – and has ranted incessantly that it is a “bad” Government.
In doing so, he then delegated authority to his band of right wing lunatics to pursue this method of degradation of the Prime Minister to it’s utmost.
He – and them – have all but succeeded.
Like all bullies, Abbott has caused the brutal debasement, then stepped back and said “it wasn’t me!”
In fact, he is now attempting to ride in like a hero on a white horse to save us from this dreadful woman.
What Abbott has done is evil.
It is fascism in all its glory. (
He and his team have been extremely clever and manipulative beyond belief – with a complicit media chanting his lies and deceit – brainwashing a politically naive electorate into believing he is their savior.
This is a man who will do and say anything, play any game, manipulate any situation, flame any fire then sit back and watch the hordes fall for it – laughing hysterically like a madman all the way to Lodge.
The truth be known – and it’s something the main stream media refuse to tell you because of their complicity with Abbott – is – this Government – for all it’s leadership problems – has been a remarkably successful Government passing over 600 pieces of legislation and introducing some of the most progressive policy reforms since Whitlam e.g. price on carbon, NBN, Aged Care Reform, Gonksi, NDIS, unprecedented pension increases.
Abbott and his cohorts may well ride into power on the back of one of the most deceitful, untruthful, ugliest, unscrutinized and most vicious campaigns in history.
Abbott must take responsibility for turning this nations political discourse into what it’s become.
Rather than respecting the decision of the Independents, respecting democracy, respecting the fact that he lost, respecting a woman as Prime Minister, respecting the fact that the Australian people deserve better from an Opposition and it’s supporters other than spitting venom every opportunity – Abbott is responsible for fanning the flames of hatred and turning this nation into a nation of ugliness.
If he can’t be Prime Minister, he would rather burn every sense of decency and respect rather than let a woman, a successful Labor woman at that, be the leader of our country.
He hates her, and the fact that it is she, and not him, who is Prime Minister, that much.
It’s like a cancer eating away it him.
Is this the sort of man we want to lead?
Some one who can produce poisonous ugliness at the drop of a hat (and then pretend it didn’t happen and/or he wasn’t party to it) – but no policies?
Because if it is, this nation is uglier, sicker and sadder than what I thought.

Great post!

We won! But the battle's not over

I’ve been a little busy elsewhere but haven’t stopped counting down.

In total, Victoria’s public health sector has lost $723 million in the two years since Premier Baillieu took office; 85% of the funding cuts have been initiated by his government – not that you’d know that from the media coverage, government releases, or from the responses of many hospitals.

As the Federal and State governments continue to bicker, despite calls for compromise, it’s our patients who will suffer, and our already pressured staff who will feel the strain.

What do funding cuts mean? Here, off the top of my head and informed by both current practice and my memories of the Kennett years, are a couple of things that have been or will be implemented in hospitals across the state:

  • Elective lists, already at 7000, get longer;
  • inpatients have to wait for surgery – like the elderly mother…

View original post 514 more words

Reflections on the Sadness of Newtown Connecticut USA

I don’t think I have ever shed so many tears.

The tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, USA just so hurts the heart.

For reasons I cannot define, I feel, like no doubt many others do, an extreme amount of grief when I hear of a child dying. But I have friends and know others, who will express shock and horror at a tragedy, but they don’t seem as deeply affected as I feel. I feel almost traumatized, helpless and an overwhelming sorrow. I will openly weep for ages.

Because I cannot comprehend what drives someone to murder an innocent little child.

I remember sitting in the public forum at Dallas Brooks Hall in Melbourne in 1990, a forum to lobby for changes to the law which was held after the brutal murder of 2 year old Daniel Valerio by his step-father Paul Aitken.

I can still see in my minds eye the photo of that dear little boy taken to show his bruises…but there he was, still with a tiny little smile on his face. It too, was heart-breaking.

As a result of Daniel’s death, the mandatory reporting law was passed in 1993.

I also remember sitting in a restaurant with one of my daughters in 2001, talking about my overwhelming sadness of a little Iraqi boy who had been brutally injured in the futile war that savaged that country and in which many innocent civilians died.

I just wanted to get on plane, fly over there and bring that little boy back to Australia so that he could get the best treatment in the world to repair the loss of his arms and legs blown off by a Coalition of the willing bomb.

And there is Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newton Connecticut.

I cannot even begin to comprehend the pain the parents and families of the little children and families of the teachers must be enduring.

To lose a child must be the most painful experience a parent can endure.

But to lose one so tragically through a senseless act of violence – would be more than one can bear.

I began thinking about those poor parents this morning.

I hope that they had sent each one of those dear little kids off to school with a kiss goodbye, and “I love you”, “have a good day!”

We all know what its like to hurry kids along to get ready for school, how they test are patience at times and I pray that not one of those parents sent their child to school with any semblance of anger or annoyance still simmering.

When a brutal act like this becomes news, and we react with shock and horror and inconsolable sadness, it does make one look back on ones own parenting.

Did we do a good enough job of raising our own kids?

Were we kind enough, gentle enough…did we love enough?

I know there were times when I certainly didn’t do a very good job.

In 1980, I came out of 7 years of domestic violence with 3 little children under 5.

There were the times when I was not a good parent.

We moved often as I followed my dream, my work, my desires – dragging my 3 children with me.

My children always had good food, lovely clothes, good schooling, more often than not lots and lots of love, but so often not good parenting.

There were times during those years when I allowed my personal and financial struggle, my frustration, my hurt, my unfulfilled ambition to taint my parenting.

To my now adult children, I can say – I am sorry for the times I was less kind, less caring, less gentle and less loving than I should have been.

By the grace of God you have all grown into beautiful, successful adults.

You have all had your own struggles but you have taught me so much about how to improve my ethics, not to use hurtful, harmful words, to allow you to be the adults you want to be.

You have taught me how to be a better person.

Sadly, the parents of Daniel Valerio and now 20 little 5 and 6 years in Newtown, Connecticut, will never have the opportunity to say that to the adults those precious little ones would have become.

You must hold your children close, love them, use kind words and gentleness to guide them through their lives because the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary has proven that you can have your children one minute and then they are gone the next. 

We can only hope that President Barack Obama has the strength, the will and the support from all members of Congress and the Senate to stop the insane madness that occurs in America far to often from ever happening again.

To all the parents who have tragically lost a child, especially those in Newton Connecticut I say this:

On the Wings of Love:

On the wings of love a beautiful soul has departed this world leaving behind a myriad of precious memories for loved ones to explore in times of reminiscence.

There will be moments when a sound, a glimpse, a note will softly caress the corner of your mind and a beautiful memory that has been peacefully sleeping there, will gently awaken and as it blossoms, the secret that will make you glow within will remind you that the wonder and magic of knowing that you were blessed to have known, touched, held and loved that beautiful soul here on earth is yours to treasure forever.


On The Wings Of Love

© Copyright 2006

Denise Allen

All rights reserved. No part of this writing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.



Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing – especially one bearing gifts…

Bob Ellis is right.


All MSM can gloat about is the fact that the LNP and Ashby had “succeeded”. Gloating about the fact that they have not only ruined a man’s career but that they have destroyed the mans “character”. Even though the LNP themselves for 19 long years and through many pre-selections knew that Peter Slipper had at times less than admirable thoughts and desires, they still stood by their man.

Abbott happily attended Slippers wedding…unless he just went along for the free feed and drink. Damn long way to fly for a free feed. And why would you bother to attend the wedding of someone you despise as much as Abbott has proved over the past few months he despises Slipper. Did he once believe in the “character” of a man?

(I’m even more curious to know what Abbott gave Slipper as a wedding present. Hmmmm)

But whether a man has less than admirable thoughts does not make that person any less able to do a job. All of Parliament – including the LNP – has said that Slipper was one of the better Speakers to sit in the Speakers chair.

Abbott’s “character” however, in his actions over the past two and half years is wide open for all to see. He is a man who will destroy anything and anybody to steal the Prime Ministership.

He is like Gollum salivating after the ring.

 “Its MY precious…especially not that woman’s”

Abbott brazenly calls for an inquiry into the 20 year old AWU issue – an issue where no one in the LNP or mainstream media has been able to produce any evidence the Prime Minister has done anything wrong – but when an inquiry is suggested to get to the bottom of the Ashby/Slipper affair and the extent of the LNP involvement – an issue where a Federal Court Judge no less has brought down damning findings against Ashby and members of the LNP – Abbott calls it a witch hunt!

The gall of the man.

But his gall shows absolutely no bounds.

When asked about when he personally knew about the Ashby allegations, Abbott, barefaced as it comes, looked Australia in the eye and said “When everyone else knew. When I read it about it on Saturday morning.”

Now, thanks to the brilliant analysis of IT expert Kieran Cummings, we now know Abbott did in fact lie about that.


Kieran has proved, by analyzing met-data from Abbott’s APH email stream, that in fact Abbott’s media release in response to the Ashby allegations was in fact written the night before.

Proving Abbott did know.

So, what we have here is either a very incompetent or stupid political party.

Or both.


Julie Bishop doesn’t know who she is talking to on the other end of a phone. She can’t recall Ashby calling her office for “advice”. Joe Hockey can’t remember meeting Ashby and Brough. Christopher Pyne cant recall sending emails requesting Ashby’s phone number and personal email. Mal Brough said he didn’t meet with Ashby, then he said he did just once, then twice, then three times. Abbott says he had “no specific knowledge.”

Texts and knowledge of meetings prove that these Liberals are in this mirky, quagmire of conspiracy right up to their rotten lying mouths.

And the mainstream media knows it.

It is clear that from Judge Rares findings that this scandalous case was deliberately conceived in an atmosphere of power hungry revenge, spite and ambition in order to not only discredit Peter Slipper and have him removed as Speaker, but to bring down the Labor Government.

Anywhere else in the world this is akin to sedition.

In Australia it’s called the “LNP Right to Rule”.

But do you think mainstream media want YOU, the ordinary Australian voter, to know that these conniving, manipulating, power hungry Gollums, were collaborating to do this?

Not on your sweet Nellie.

By refusing to acknowledge this seditious act, mainstream media have made themselves willingly complicit in this attempt to bring down the Labor Government.

It is extremely troubling for this country, that the main stream media simply refuse to investigate this issue ­– that they will not bother to delve deep into the LNP trail of who knew what and when and tell the Australian people the truth.

Australia stands proud on its moral and ethical attitudes in so often condemning third world countries for their corruption and sedition. We refuse to acknowledge democratically elected Government’s e.g Palestine (because Hamas is considered by the West to be a terrorist organization) and remove our Ambassadors and funding from countries where an Opposition has attempted to or overthrown a Government (e.g. Fiji).

But when it happens here in Australia, for some inexplicable reason, our mainstream media turn a blind eye. One can only assume it is to protect the LNP. I have asked this question before and it still defies explanation as to what it is about the LNP for mainstream media to so desperately want them to be the Government.

Yes we have a minority Government. But its a Government with profoundly progressive policies, an economy the envy of the world, low unemployment and low interest rates. An economy praised by other world leaders and world monetary organisations.

But mainstream media wont tell you that.

They’ll tell you Abbott is at a fish market, hardware store or fruit shop, that his “driving” a truck down the Pacific Highway (he wasn’t driving) to highlight the state of the road. A highway Labor has spent $4.1B on since coming to Government. But mainstream media didn’t tell you that. (Abbott obviously had a smooth ride along the newly fixed highway as we haven’t seen a front page headline in mainstream media with Abbott decrying the state of the road).

They’ll tell you every. single. time Abbott dons a safety jacket (I’m sure he sleeps in it) but they wont tell you that the Government has passed legislation to bring into being two of the most progressive policies since Whitlam’s Medicare, Gonski and the NDIS.

They will plaster their front pages with derogatory photos of Thomson and Slipper but place the extremely damaging findings of a highly respected Federal Court judge re the Ashby affair way back on page 17.

It’s almost criminal in itself.

I also have to question the timing of Abbott’s current overseas excursion.

How very convenient Abbott just happened to fly out of the country on the day Judge Rares brought down his findings.

One would have thought Abbott to be waiting outside the Federal Court with baited breath for the result.

Always first with a media release or television interview (stunt) when it suits him to smear the Government, Abbott is conveniently on a flight to London.

I have no doubt Ashby’s legal team could see the writing on the wall ­­– informed Abbott – who then made convenient plans to be out of the country on December 12.

And then in a shameless display of “niceness” Abbott then just so happens to call in our troops in Afghanistan – a decent enough gesture – but low and behold he also came bearing Xmas gifts.

What a brazen use of our troops to influence the Australian public into thinking he is Mr. Nice Guy.

And once again, a willing sycophantic mainstream media beamed the footage back to Australia just in time to compete with the Judge’s findings to be the headline on prime time news.

How very bloody convenient.

Well Mr. Abbott – you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. (except rusted on extreme right wing voters).

Australia….Beware of a wolf in sheeps clothing – especially one bearing gifts.

It is shameful, scandalous and utterly senseless that mainstream media aren’t foraging around this issue like frenzied little squirrels gathering nuts for winter in order to bring the truth of the matter to the Australian people.

The Australian people need – but more importantly – deserve  –to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Anything less just makes us look like a corrupt third world country where truth and honour are utterly disregarded just so some power hungry bully can get his hands on the leadership.




MSM Versus The Fifth Estate

Over the past week we have seen unprecedented comment flood the Fifth estate via our social media – Twitter, individual blogs, online News and Opinion websites – in response to the Prime Ministers very powerful speech in Parliament re sexism in politics.

The Fifth Estate through the avenue of advanced technology has become an extremely influential form of media – comments on Twitter reaching the Twittersphere at almost the speed of light; bloggers establishing their own online pathway to express their own personal opinion on many issues; online News and Opinion websites such as Independent Australia, New Matilda, The Conversation adding a completely new and “independent” dimension to news reporting, opinion and investigative journalism.

No longer does the general public have to rely on – or more to the point – put up with – the blatantly biased and opinionated journalism of our mainstream daily newspapers.

And thank God for that.

Where the majority of the Fifth Estate contributors applauded the PM’s speech, mainstream media blatantly refused to acknowledge the magnitude of the power behind the words she spoke.

Seasoned political journalists excused their bias by running for cover under the pretext of “context”.

“We are political journalists! We must report through the prism of political principles!” “We know best when reporting on politics!”

No. Actually, they don’t.

The Press Gallery who make up the majority of political journalists in mainstream media – have been caged within the walls of that political glasshouse for so long they have fogged up the glass with their indignant, righteous, know-it-all huff and puff so much that they can no longer – or deliberately choose not to – see outside to what is important to the general public.

They have become so politically insular, biased and unashamedly opinionated that they no longer know the meaning of fair and balanced reporting.

But why are we not surprised?

For the past two years, ever since Julia Gillard was anointed the Prime Minister by the Independents, mainstream media has done everything in its power to condemn, ridicule, misconstrue and omit important facts from their reporting in order to assist the political power game playing of Tony Abbott.

Example: The consistent and oft repeated lie that the Prime Minister is a “liar” regarding her Carbon Tax comment.

A lie in itself.

What the Prime Minister actually said was: “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let me be clear, I will be putting a price on carbon and I will move to an ETS.”

When the PM made that statement she would not have imagined that the Government she would lead would be a minority one. One in which compromise would be the order of the day.

Tony Abbott had the opportunity to be Prime Minister. He would have done anything – even consider “selling his arse” – to get the top job.

But the Independents knew he would not be easy to work with – that they would not be able to trust him to negotiate and compromise.

Gillard ‘compromised’.

She DID put a price on carbon – just as she said she would.

That Abbott et al call it a tax is irrelevant.

It is a price on carbon; to be more precise, a price to be paid for carbon emissions for the biggest polluters  ― initially set at $23 a tonne and then moving to a market based price.

But how many times have you seen mainstream media not only report the truth re the fullness of what the PM said, but back it up with the genuine and logical explanation of her compromise.

How many times do we see headlines praising the Government for fending off a recession post GFC, or lauding the Government for having the lowest interest rates and unemployment in 20+ years and economy that is the envy of the world?

Almost never.

Now I know the Labor Government have made some pretty silly gaffes and mistakes of their own. Doesn’t everybody?

They have been reported ad nauseum by journalists from mainstream media every opportunity they get.

But the people of Australia have never had to opportunity to genuinely believe that Julia Gillard is actually a very, very good prime Minister because the mainstream media have forcefully, day in day out, shoved down the electorates’ throats their own personal and barefaced biased opinions of the Prime Minister.

At the same time, mainstream media have allowed Abbott’s lies to manifest into a bizarre reality and have, like sychophantic frenzied trolls, perpetuated on a daily basis – Abbott’s treacherous attempt to bring down the Labor minority Government.

Mainstream media either make pathetic excuses for or never report on the lies, the gaffes of Abbott and his Shadow Ministers, the devious involvement of Liberal MP’s in the Slipper affair, the facts and detail behind the HSU affair as reported in Independent Australia by Peter Wicks. It is all swept under their dirty threadbare carpet where they hope no one will look.

But the members of the Fifth Estate have not only looked under that dirty threadbare carpet – they have found the grubby little secrets that mainstream media had hoped to keep concealed from the general public regarding the dirty little deeds and devious ploys of the Coalition  – and have exposed them for all to see via The Fifth Estate.

So why do the journalists of mainstream media want so desperately for Abbott to be Prime Minister?

I can understand why journalists from the Murdoch stable want to elevate him to the top job. They are all disciples of Rupert Murdoch who greedily endeavors to shove his right wing agenda down the throats of everyone on the planet at every opportunity he gets. It’s all about greed.

Commercial television and radio shock jocks – need I say anymore – just out to see who can be the most sensationalist and vile.

But even journalists from the Fairfax stable and the ABC, who once upon a time offered fair and balanced journalism, have jumped on the “Bring down Gillard” bandwagon.

The subliminal way in which they promote Abbott over the PM is not easy for all to notice, but its there – day in – day out.

If they just wanted to rid Australia of a minority Government and advance just one particular party to rule in its own right – one would expect they would write fair and balanced articles weighing up arguments and writing comparisons on the policies of both sides.

But they don’t do that.

They blatantly support Abbott no matter how sexist, idiotic, inept and policy free he is.

Again, I ask why.

It can’t be because Abbott has superior policies. No one knows what they are.

It can’t be because he is a Statesman. He isn’t. He is a fool and a mouse on the world stage.

It can’t be because he is an honest, positive, forward thinking politician.

He has used the lie of fearmongering to petrify the electorate into believing the world would come to an end if a carbon price was introduced.

He has used the lie of “illegal boat people” to petrify the electorate into believing we are being over run by Muslims.

He has used the viciousness of personal sexist verbal and visual assaults on the Prime Minister to disgracefully denigrate her in the eyes of the public.

They must want to see and report on the financial damage winding back the carbon price and the MRRT will bring.

They must want to see and report on the regressive policies he will introduce to dilute women’s rights – which he will do through his ideological religious fevour.

They must want to see and report on the furore that will occur between Australia and Indonesia when he “turns back the boats” without Indonesian approval.

Mainstream journalists see their jobs becoming extremely tenuous as the Fifth Estate becomes increasingly influential with ordinary every day people finally being able to have their say be it on Twitter, individual blogs or reading online independent news and opinion websites.

The only reason I can think of why mainstream media want so desperately for Abbott to be PM, is so that they can voraciously report on the chaos and destruction he will bring down on the Australian people through their dying media in the hope that they can regain their influence over the minds of the people and try to re-ignite the people’s preference for mainstream media.

It isn’t going to happen.

The genie is out of the bottle.

Mainstream journalists not only want fear, chaos and destruction to rule – they need it to justify their support for Abbott.

It’s the only reason I can think of that explain why they act the way they do.

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