The Mundingburra gambit: The plan to recapture Herbert – @Qldaah #qldpol #auspol

Inconsistencies alleged by the Liberal National Party in the polling for the Queensland federal seat of Herbert echo the 1995 legal challenge to Labor’s victory in the Queensland state electorate of Mundingburra.

Part 13 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 12 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 11 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

2016 Election Scorecards for #Ausvotes to help you decide: Curated by @takvera

Still undecided after several weeks of the election campaign? Are you confused on policies? Do you have a pet issue that may influence your vote? I might have just the election issue scorecard to help you decide. I have always been more interested in party policies than voting for the personality of a candidate or […]

Part 10 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

The Liberals have a #MissingClimatePolicy, but don’t want you to know reports @takvera #Ausvotes

The High Court has found there is an implied right of political speech in the Australian Constitution, but that doesn’t stop the Liberal Party putting pressure for an inconvenient election billboard to be taken down. Environment Victoria paid for a Billboard opposite and a bit down the road from the Liberal Party campaign headquarters in […]

Part 9 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

#ReefElection: Bandaids for an unmitigated reef catastrophe reports @takvera #ausvotes

An election promise by the Prime Minister to divert $1 billion in Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) funding to improve reef catchment water quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been soundly criticised as legally problematic, inefficient and far below the funding scientists say is required to Save the Reef. As they say, the ‘devil […]

Part 8 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.