Turnbull Government knew of Qld land grab before election – @qldaah #qldpol #auspol

The Singapore deal to acquire land around the existing defence bases at Shoalwater Bay & Townsville may have been kept from Queensland voters at the 2016 federal election.

Victorian Liberals declare war on #renewable targets, jobs, investment reports @takvera

The Liberal party in three states – Victoria, South Australia and Queensland – vowed to drop state based renewable energy targets if elected. This follows Federal Liberal Party war on renewables and climate policy conducted since Abbott took power in 2013, continued under Prime Minister Turnbull. While climate action at the Federal level has followed […]

#Heatwave makes Australia hottest place on planet with catastrophic #bushfire conditions reports @takvera

Australia is currently the hottest place on the planet with the heatwave in SE Australia according to the Climate Reanalyzer site for Saturday 11 February. And last year (2016) was the hottest year on the planet in recorded history, following two previous years which also set the record. Update: Climate scientists calculate that Climate change […]

“#Heatwave is nothing short of horrifying” says climate scientist reports @takvera

“This developing heatwave is nothing short of horrifying” said climate scientist Sarah Perkin-Kirkpatrick. “Much of eastern Australia has seen heatwave after heatwave this summer, with some seasonal records already broken by the start of February. Night-time temperatures have been too hot for adequate sleep and daytime temperatures have been searing.” Sarah Perkin-Kirkpatrick is a climate […]

AEMO orders South Australian #heatwave blackout while Gas turbine remains idle #SAheat reports @takvera

Over 40,000 South Australian households endured a blackout Wednesday evening for about half an hour during an extreme heatwave. AEMO ordered the load shedding, but questions remain why the Pelican Point 2nd gas turbine wasn’t fired up. Quick Summary Wednesday 8 February SA Heatwave Blackouts 10:31am BOM SA advise an extreme heat warning issued by […]

Pacific civil society in Fiji calls out Australia on #climate action reports @takvera #Auspol

Australian Ambassador for Climate Change Patrick Suckling is currently visiting Fiji this week to hold bilateral meetings with the Fiji Presidency in regard to the COP23 United Nations climate negotiations (which will be held in Bonn, Germany in November 2017). Fiji and other Pacific island governments are demanding that polluting nations step up action to […]

Resistance and hope in the face of Trump #climatedenial – @takvera

Despite the climate denialism in a Trump administration, it will be difficult to stop the zero carbon transition already underway and driven by economic forces, with action by citizens, businesses and states. As the minutes ticked past midday with Trump’s inauguration on January 20, the whitehouse.gov website was swept clean of anything climate related. Obama’s […]

#Solar to power Melbourne trams as Australia’s GHG emissions rise reports @takvera

Lily D’Ambrosio, the Victorian Energy and Environment Minister, stepped forward today to announce that Melbourne’s tram network will be powered by 100 per cent Solar. Not directly of course. But the government will issue a tender for a new 75MW capacity large scale solar farm to supply the equivalent power needed for the tram network […]

Extreme heat shortens #TourDownUnder stage after riders raise #heathealth concern – @takvera

Cyclists in the Santos Tour Down Under UCI Professional cycling race in South Australia today faced the challenge of riding in temperatures over 40 degrees. Local temperatures on the road are likely to be even higher for the cyclists riding on hot road surfaces. Indeed, Jérémy Maison with the FDJ team measured a local temperature […]

2016 hottest year on record globally, 4th warmest for Australia reports @takvera

This article by John Englart was first published at Climate Action Moreland. The official reports are in. 2016 was the hottest year on record according to the European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). In Australia the Bureau of Meteorology declared 2016 the 4th warmest on record, but with record sea surface temperatures around the continent. […]