Part 13 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 9 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 8 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 5 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Covering the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Aunty through @TurnbullMalcolm’s independent looking glass of #auspol’s realpolitik: @Jansant comments

Last week, New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation between Nick Ross, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) former Games and Technology Editor, and Bruce Belsham, the Head of ABC’s Current Affairs division. They later published the full transcript. The recording made by Ross (@NickRossTech), reveals political pressure being exerted over editorial […]

Thousands protest for #climatejustice in Paris #D12 as #COP21 concludes reports @takvera

Even though the State of Emergency which prohibits large political protests is still in place, tens of thousands turned out on the streets of Paris for climate justice in various creative protests. The French state on Friday, relented, and allowed the protest to go ahead. For two weeks activists had been planning a day for […]

#Climate justice demanded of world leaders at #COP21 reports @takvera from Paris

Today I observed and sometimes joined a peaceful human chain for a climate of peace on the Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. Organisers estimated about 10,000 people participated in one way or another. This event took place because Parisians and visitors to Paris were denied the freedom of speech and assembly to march down the street […]

Marches banned, Paris plans human chain for #climate of peace reports @takvera #COP21

Paris: To get around the state ban on climate marches, Coalition Climat 21 have proposed a human chain be formed between 12 noon and 1pm along the sidewalks of the Boulevarde Voltaire from between Place de la Republique and Place de la Nation. This was the original route of the climate march that has been […]

Large #Climate protests for #COP21 banned in #Paris and France reports @takvera

This afternoon the French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, ruled that the two large climate marches in Paris and the main cities in France on November 29 and December 12 would be prohibited. Negotiations between climate activist organisations and the French state have been ocurring early this week regarding approval for civil society public events and […]

Scare tactics and @TonyAbbottMHR’s war on #qanda over @ZakyMallah’s truth bomb: @jansant comments

When the politicisation of “national security” morphs into a vicious attack on the independence of our Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), it’s another sign Australia is racing down the road towards a fascist state. This confected outrage about #qanda reveals the depth of the totalitarian impulse in this government. It frightens me. — Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) […]