Pt 2 Qld election blog 2015 – #qldvotes #qldpol: @Qldaah

(Jump to comments section) Jump to latest blog entry. Welcome to part 2 of the Queensland election coverage. The below entries cover the period from January 17 – 21. To follow the Twitter stream, see #qldvotes. List of Qld election blogs Jan 06 – Jan 16: Pt 1 Qld election blog 2015. Jan 17 – Jan 21: Pt […]

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Response from Origin Energy not enough: @SavLance75 comments on #CSG

As part of the research undertaken for No Fibs recent article #CSG science provides no easy conclusions, posted on September 15, this writer addressed several questions to representatives of Origin Energy regarding their Ironbark coal seam gas (CSG) project and local landholders the Ansfords, who believe they may be suffering adverse health and environmental impacts due […]

#CSG science provides no easy conclusions: @SavLance75 reports

A year has passed since Steve Ansford tied banners to the boundary fence of his rural-residential property near Tara, Queensland, where they were sure to be noticed by workers travelling to and from Origin Energy’s “Ironbark” coal seam gas (CSG) project site. As far as Steve and his wife Judy are concerned, the questions painted […]

Repair and hope for the #Pilliga Forest, by long-time campaigner Iris Ray Nunn

  By Iris Ray Nunn 18th March 2014 Margo: Iris covered the battle to save the Pilliga State Forest from Santos CSG for the No Fibs CSG Citizen Journalism project late last year. It seemed hopeless, then… I know big business has not pulled their CSG operations out of the Pilliga, Yet, but, also, as well […]

Fancy a holiday in the gas fields? @1EarthMedia comments

By Mark Anning  @1EarthMedia 17th January 2014 In assessing AGL and Panagea Resources’ plans to place gas wells on farms and near residences in the Gloucester Basin and Manning Valley, it is difficult not to conclude that the industrialisation of farmland in the region is incompatible with existing sustainable industries. Many millions of dollars has been […]

Show us the #CSG data on health and wellbeing: Mark Doyle reports

By Mark Doyle What are the risks of coal seam gas mining on the health and wellbeing of people and their communities? I am a facts and figures kind of person. When people claim health benefits for coffee or chocolate, or health risks from eating saturated fats, my response is, ‘show me the data!’ Such […]

An uneasy truce: Sally MacKinnon reports

  By Sally MacKinnon I live on top of a mountain on the edge of Lamington National Park, the largest protected subtropical rainforest in the world. It is on the eastern edge of the Scenic Rim region, a Local Government Area (LGA) in south-east Queensland covering 4256 square kilometres. It is home to approximately 39,000 […]

#CSG showdown in Gloucester @1earthmedia reports

By Mark Anning reports from Gloucester, NSW The NSW Government is considering an application by giant gas company AGL to begin the controversial and risky process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, at Forbesdale, just south of Gloucester in the Manning Valley NSW – less than 300 metres from the nearest family home and less than 600 […]

A fair go – the right to say ‘no’: Phil Laird reports

  By Phil Laird Weeks of rumours that peak industry bodies were providing input into the proposed amendments to the Petroleum (Onshore) Act, regarding access agreements and permits, finally found their way into social media. The Act has had amendments proposed, the most controversial of which are about access to land for petroleum (read: unconventional […]

Ad blitz masks truth of boom industry – Jason Egbars @jasonegbars reports

By Jason Egbars Queensland commuters have been hit with an advertising blitz as the coal seam gas industry prepares to increase operations in Queensland. On Friday, Shell banners adorned a walkway to Brisbane’s Central Station. The banners made reference to ‘cleaner electricity’ and encouraged passersby to ‘find out why we’re investing in natural gas’. Shell-owned […]