Part 13 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 12 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 11 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 9 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 8 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Ongoing coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Part 3 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

Rolling coverage of the Australian election campaign for 2016. Table of contents Jump to comments section. Mathias knew nothing. What Mitch knew. Send in the cops. Medicare thaw. They took our jobs and growth. . (May 22, 2016) Day 15 – Mathias knew nothing Senator Mathias Cormann didn’t know about the raids Senator Mathias Cormann has […]

Labor probes @TurnbullMalcolm in #QT over “bullied” @ABCAustralia #NBN coverage: @Jansant comments

Last Thursday during Question Time, Jason Clare (@JasonClareMP), Shadow Minister for Communications, asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (@TurnbullMalcolm), about his role in influencing editorial decisions the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) made in relation to its National Broadband Network (NBN) coverage. On January 21, 2016 New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation […]

Aunty through @TurnbullMalcolm’s independent looking glass of #auspol’s realpolitik: @Jansant comments

Last week, New Matilda published explosive details of a secretly recorded private conversation between Nick Ross, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) former Games and Technology Editor, and Bruce Belsham, the Head of ABC’s Current Affairs division. They later published the full transcript. The recording made by Ross (@NickRossTech), reveals political pressure being exerted over editorial […]

Here comes Abbott’s #NBN, by @SteveJ_CBR and @sortius

Margo: Steve Jenkin and Kieran Cummings are regular contributors to No Fibs on the NBN. Here are their takes on its future under an Abbott Government. * [dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”750px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ] ‘NBN Lite’ won’t happen, but served its purpose to take NBN off election agenda Steve Jenkin 1 September 2013 […]

Most candidates in NBN-connected Wills reckon Labor got it right: @takvera interviews

By John Englart 27 August 2013 The Wills suburb of Brunswick was the first metropolitan pilot site for Labor’s NBN in 2011. The world is changing rapidly with large movements of digital information, requiring faster internet speeds to deliver content to meet our needs (see Steve Jenkins and Lachlan Hinds article on Why is fast, […]