Coal train delayed for 6 hours due to #leardblockade civil-disobedience reports @takvera

The Leardblockade continues with more coal trains being stopped from transporting coal from Whitehaven and Idemitsu mines to Newcastle port for export in an act of peaceful civil disobedience. Environment Officer Anisa Rogers (23), student Linah Winoto (20) and Horticulturalist Jim Kremar (33) occupied a coal train locomotive, stopping all coal trains from reaching the […]

Coal train protest ends 1st week of #Leardblockade action on #coal reports @takvera

“Red alert, red alert, keep the coal in the dirt” the protestors chanted at a blockade of coal haul trucks going to Whitehaven’s Tarrawonga coal mine while Whitehaven and Idemitsu bulldozers are lining up to devastate the Leard forest to expand coal mining. Nofibs reporter John Englart reports on the week of action – titled […]

The next #leardblockade bat attack on #liverpoolplains, by local Ros Druce

Stop Work…Independent Audit into the Approval of Whitehaven’s Maules Creek Project…Before the Forest Falls! In my Renegade' #frightbat colony, no gender/politics bar. We fight for Truth, Justice, Nature & the Australian Way. — Margo Kingston (@margokingston1) June 19, 2014 I wonder if Nathan Tinkler ever envisaged so much opposition from the locals of Maules […]

Climate, Environment Boards, Foreign Aid slashed by Joe Hockey in #MYEFO says @Takvera

The Abbott Government slashing of climate change infrastructure continues in the latest Midyear Economic Forecast by the Treasurer Joe Hockey, where it was announced the Commonwealth deficit has blown out to more than $40 billion and forecast not to return to surplus until 2019-20 at the earliest. Hockey attributed this budget blowout to reduced commodity […]

Maules Creep Coal Mine #leardblockade. Who’s the umpire? asks @greekmcchic

The moans of senior mining industry identities are increasing as they condemn environmental protestors for “not accepting the umpire’s decision” on mining approvals and conditions. The problem is, it’s them who refuse to accept the umpire’s decision Stephen Galilee, Mark Vaile and Phillip Christensen have all emerged recently condemning legitimate community protests while big mining […]

@RobinMosman calls on grandparents of Australia to unite for climate action

In August this year my husband Warwick and I went back to the Leard Blockade with a group of friends, and blockaded one of the roads to the Maules Creek mine for a few hours.  We’d made a number of signs to hold, but our favourite was one that said “Grandparents for Intergenerational Equity”.  I […]

Living with coal, @Sikamikanico joins Pacific #ClimateWarriors to blockade Newcastle Port. #leardblockade

It’s pretty irritating living next to the coal train line in the shadow of the world’s largest coal port. The outside walls of our house are constantly covered in a layer of coal dust. I have to wash the dust out of the laundry baskets every time we use them (and yes, we do regularly […]

Pacific #ClimateWarriors join #Leardblockade protesting coal and climate change: @Takvera reports

Thirty Pacific warriors are currently touring Australia to share their climate message and ask for our support and solidarity. On Monday they brought their message to Narrabri and the Leard Blockade and saw first hand the destruction wrought by Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek Project and Idemitsu’s Boggabri Coal. “We are sending a powerful message: we […]

Whitehaven enviro offsets farce; by @greekmcchic on the ground at #leardblockade

  The two coal mines at Boggabri and Maules Creek  NSW are causing a death-by-a-thousand-cuts destruction of the Leard State Forest. To get approval at Federal and State level, coal miners Whitehaven and Idemitsu have relied on biodiversity offsets that promise “like for like” or “equal to or better” habitat for the critically endangered ecological […]

From winter clearing to spring slaughter: @RobinMosman reports on #leardblockade

The stopping of winter clearing of the Leard State Forest for  Whitehaven’s massive coal mine may have been just a stay of execution for the threatened species for whom the forest is  home. A week before their amended 2014 Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) was due to be legally challenged in the Land and Environment Court, […]