How does 'Your ideal partner preferences' work?

By selecting your ideal partner preferences, you can narrow the search for the type of person you're looking for - ranging from age, gender, location, background and interests, to whether they should/shouldn't have children and so on. 

How it works

  • Preferences are displayed on your profile, so other members can see the kind of person you're looking for.
  • They can be updated or deleted at any time.
  • Any preferences selected are automatically included in your ideal criteria, so are used to filter the members your actually see in the Search pages. Preferences are the starting point for our matching system, which finds potential matches for you.

If you're quite specific

If you opt for really specific preferences (for example: Aries star sign, living in Mt Newman, aged 42, has pets and works in financial services), you may find that search results could be quite limited. If this is the case for you, then take the time to think about your ideal partner preferences – are you being too picky? Review your criteria and think about broadening your search to include a wider group of members as this may actually help you find your ideal partner!

How to set your ‘Ideal partner preferences’

  1. Log in to RSVP.
  2. Head to Edit profile from your Profile icon.
  3. Where you see the 'At a glance' section, under ‘My ideal partner’ simply click in the fields you wish to add or update and you’re done.

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