Frozen profile

If members upload unacceptable content to RSVP and breach our Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to freeze, suspend or terminate their profile at our discretion.

What does "Frozen Profile" mean?

  •  You can no longer make changes to your profile.
  • If your profile was frozen immediately after registration it will not be visible to other members and you will not be able to contact anyone.
  • If your profile had been live prior to editing it and having it frozen, the previous approved version will still be visible on the site and you are still able to send and receive kisses and emails.


Why has your profile been frozen?

We typically freeze a profile if it includes:

  • Offensive language or sexually explicit materials
  • False information
  • Material promoting any commercial enterprise
  • Identifying information like your real name, email, phone number, Facebook details, or web addresses

The situations above break the rules in the RSVP Terms and Conditions which you agreed to when you registered. When the profile is frozen, we remove the problem text for you and record it for future reference.

Please note: if you break RSVP’s Terms and Conditions multiple times, your profile could be permanently suspended, so please make sure you are familiar with them.


How to unfreeze your profile?

Simply review and agree to the RSVP Terms and Conditions, which will then allow you to update your profile. Occasionally, our automatic systems make mistakes. If you think this has happened, please contact so we can review your particular situation.

Read more about appropriate content on RSVP >>

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