The first date

On a first date, it's often a good idea to have an excuse of having to be somewhere else after your date, so meeting up for brunch is an ideal scenario. This gives you the option to politely excuse yourself and leave the date if anything starts to make you feel uncomfortable. Feeling safe is much more important than someone's opinion of you.

Choose a safe place

Choose somewhere casual and relaxed, preferably somewhere that's easy to get to and where you feel comfortable.

It's a good idea to have your own transport and drive to your first date. Don't agree to be picked up (even if it sounds like good manners to accept or offer).

Tell a friend where you'll be

On your first date, let a friend know where you are going and give them your date's number and name.

You may want to ask someone to call you at a pre-determined time. You can use the call as an excuse to end the date if it's not going well or to confirm that everything is going well.

Don't accept lifts

We suggest you don't go home with your date, invite them back to your place or accept a lift. Don't get worried about thinking that this is old fashioned - it's just good common sense.


Read more on Dating Safely:


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