Latest wheat articles

South East Asia has a taste for Australian wheat, securing 44 per cent of export volumes.

Flooding in Western Australia creates a 500-hectare lake on what was valuable grain growing land on Western Australia's south coast.

The New South Wales winter harvest for 2016/2017 will be the biggest one ever.

A bulk grain handler receives a near-record volume of grain this year from New South Wales, Victorian and Queensland farmers, despite flooding and extended wet conditions across much of the south-east.

Researchers hope that if people start eating just the amount of protein they need, it could help cut back on how much nitrogen is being used on farms.

A Narrabri man is harvesting the wheat crop he planted on the verge outside of his home.

The corporate regulator is not able to prove former Australian Wheat Board chairman Trevor Flugge and former senior officer Peter Geary knew of breaches to UN sanctions during the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal.

South Australian grain producers are gearing up for one of the biggest harvests on record, with yields so good it is expected to boost the state's economy by about $3 billion.

The grain harvest in New South Wales is in full swing and farmers are hoping for a good finish to the season.
