Part 13 of NoFibs Australian election coverage 2016: @Qldaah #ausvotes #auspol #qldpol

The final act in the Australian election campaign for 2016.

Occupation of #Santos #Pilliga #CSG site by traditional owners, local farmers reports @takvera

Santos plans for a Coal seam gas field in the Pilliga region of western NSW has met stiff opposition from local farmers and traditional owners. A Santos test site was occupied today by 120 people in a mass civil disobedience action. 120 people joined traditional owners from the Gamilaraay / Gomeroi mob in occupying the […]

Everyone wants prompt government response to CSG Review : #environment @richardsheggie reports

The long-awaited Independent CSG Review The Final Report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW was released by the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer (CSE) on September 30, 2014. The technical, business and academic qualifications and experience of the Chair of the CSG Review, Professor Mary O’Kane, make her eminently suitable to […]

A crash course in CSG’s courtship of farmers: @Thom_Mitchell reports from #Pilliga #leardblockade

“IF the people of Narrabri think they’re going on a date with the handsome new stranger in town, they’re going to go home and find they’ve been raped,” president of People for the Plains, Hugh Barrett, said as we strained to hear. Hugh was giving an interview to ABC radio Tamworth. He was referring to […]

Ad blitz masks truth of boom industry – Jason Egbars @jasonegbars reports

By Jason Egbars Queensland commuters have been hit with an advertising blitz as the coal seam gas industry prepares to increase operations in Queensland. On Friday, Shell banners adorned a walkway to Brisbane’s Central Station. The banners made reference to ‘cleaner electricity’ and encouraged passersby to ‘find out why we’re investing in natural gas’. Shell-owned […]

Byron Shire quick off the NO GAS mark: Sarah Buchanan reports

By Sarah Buchanan Byron Shire’s white fella past has seen some biggish mistakes over its 130-year history – and last week Byron Shire Council took a vote for country, at last. Firstly in 1770 Captain Cook changed the Arakwal’s perfectly adequate name of Cavvanbah (meeting place) to Byron Bay, which Cook named after the ‘circumnavigator […]

Occupy East Coast Gas Conference – Melinda Wilson reports

NEWS COMMENT By Melinda Wilson Over a hundred people from a wide range of community groups across Sydney and NSW voiced their concerns about the coal seam gas industry outside the East Coast Gas Outlook Conference  in Sydney last week. Government and industry were at the 22 October conference to discuss ways for agriculture and […]

Pilliga protectors and protesters – Iris Ray Nunn reports

  By Iris Ray Nunn – Pilliga reporter ‘Big rig arrives to begin work’ heralded the local Narrabri paper, The Courier, last week. The paper proudly reported that Santos had resumed exploratory drilling in the Pilliga and went on to state that ‘the last meeting of Narrabri Shire Council heard an overview of Santos’ plans and […]

Queensland knows what QGC are not, so what the fraccing hell are they? Story seeking CJ @stephaniedale22

Commercial television networks in south-east Queensland have been screening a series of advertisements from 2011 through to last weekend, for a company announcing: 1. the creation of employment in the region (despite not being an employment agency), 2. a boost to the economy (despite not being the Treasury), 3. and the injection of millions of […]

Treated CSG water to be pumped into town water supply – story seeking CJ @stephaniedale22

Treated coal seam gas water will be pumped into Chinchilla‘s drinking supply, under a new scheme announced by Western Downs Regional Council. QGC (formerly Queensland Gas Company) has announced it will begin pumping 80 megalitres of treated water a day to the Chinchilla weir, for use in agriculture and for domestic purposes. Western Downs mayor, […]