Time to Dump the Corporate Tax Cuts - ACTU Australian Unions

Dump Malcolm's corporate tax cuts. Fund our schools and hospitals instead.


To all newly elected MPs and Senators,

At the 2016 election the people of Australia showed they wanted their Medicare, schools and hospitals properly funded. They showed they wanted a crackdown on tax dodging multinational corporations. They did not vote for a $48 billion corporate tax giveaway to the richest companies.

There is no evidence that giving multinationals tax cuts creates jobs and that more than 60% of the benefit goes to overseas shareholders. This is our money which could be spent elsewhere.

We the undersigned call on you to stand with the Australian people, and not the multinational corporates who demand even more.

Please act to dump these tax cuts and redirect the $50 billion to Medicare, schools and hospitals.


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Showing 6169 reactions

  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-17 19:40:10 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-17 15:45:03 +1100
    Garda White
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-16 23:27:24 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-16 19:07:54 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-13 09:33:46 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-10 10:16:49 +1100
    stop the handouts for your rich mates when you are taking everything from the less nedy
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-12-22 04:13:19 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-12-13 19:32:42 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-24 14:18:32 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-22 20:13:13 +1100
    This country needs an Dictator (Salazar), against the Greedy rich, it need to create to control their share, other way the peoples life style will become like an African Third World Country.

    These Greedy Boss should be put down like US. Kennedy which was killed like a Dog, Not even had time to bark
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-22 17:59:18 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-22 16:30:52 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-19 16:00:07 +1100
    Billionaires have over a million timer more money they need. So they’re the ones who should be paying the HIGHEST taxes. And only a true cheapskate will pay less tax than they should. But that always happens due to GREED. And the multi- national businesses should also be paying a high tax if they want to do business in Australia. Otherwise if they’re not going to pay a fair share of tax, they should be BANNED from doing business in Australia.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-11-12 19:36:30 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-31 19:36:53 +1100
    Would be great if we had a government that was for the people, rather than subservient to international corporations and selling our country off for minuscule short term gains, try thinking of what our nation is going to need in the next 50-100 years and build foundations for the future, why do working individuals pay more tax to the government than company’s that net millions in profits each year? When will average everyday people wake up and demand our government be fairer for the the working class people?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-29 02:28:21 +1100
    If you want to reduce the deficit, giving tax cuts is not the answer nor is reducing wages which also reduces the PAYE tax that individuals contribute to the government.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-28 12:14:48 +1100
    people before profits Malcolm, share it around & it go’s round, it’s called an economy, corporates just grabbing as much as they can get is just greed, Wake Up
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-27 01:48:24 +1100
    The government and the billionaires have their hands in each other’s pockets.

    Keep your hands out of our back pockets
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-25 14:37:53 +1100
    Murdoch media back liberals so liberals pay them back. And murdoch media print nothing of libs corruption . And attack labour on all fronts. Its a vicious circle
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-18 20:52:43 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-15 01:21:02 +1100
    why fine printed out geneva convention magna carter constitutional will bill of right’s rite’s for hemp web atrium planter tree rooms for better prosperity, then what they’ve had to offer since immigrated here with parent’s
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 21:32:34 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 19:45:35 +1100
    Why should they be exempt from paying tax? It’s time the multi million dollar corporations including churches paid tax. The rich keep getting looked after by the rich politicians while the workers struggle to survive.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 14:09:33 +1100
    bring back the 1970s tax rate when australia was great not greatly indebt.

    no war with russia.

    the left and the right wing have a common enemy, the corporatists its time we worked together to take our country back.

    we can fight over who is right once we defeat the greater enemy
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 12:59:14 +1100
    Wendy Prowd
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 12:58:12 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 09:31:02 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 08:08:39 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 07:50:19 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2016-10-14 07:43:55 +1100
    It’s long overdue. If smokers can pay almost $7billion a year in tax, the big corporations can pay up as well.