Time to Dump the Corporate Tax Cuts - ACTU Australian Unions

Dump Malcolm's corporate tax cuts. Fund our schools and hospitals instead.


To all newly elected MPs and Senators,

At the 2016 election the people of Australia showed they wanted their Medicare, schools and hospitals properly funded. They showed they wanted a crackdown on tax dodging multinational corporations. They did not vote for a $48 billion corporate tax giveaway to the richest companies.

There is no evidence that giving multinationals tax cuts creates jobs and that more than 60% of the benefit goes to overseas shareholders. This is our money which could be spent elsewhere.

We the undersigned call on you to stand with the Australian people, and not the multinational corporates who demand even more.

Please act to dump these tax cuts and redirect the $50 billion to Medicare, schools and hospitals.


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  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 22:17:22 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:47:03 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:32:09 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:27:26 +1100
    As you correctly state from “past experience” there is No Evidence that giving tax cuts to Big Corporations benefits ordinary Australians AT ALL. In deed, as you state, it just means ordinary Australians are Deprived of money that THEY have contributed to by the taxes taken out of their pay, the GST they pay on goods and services, and the “Plethora” of other taxes like Rates, Car Reg., etc. ad nauseum. Currently the Biggest 570 Co.s operating in Oz both Foreign and Australia “Pay NO TAX at all, others pay FAR Less than they Should”. Not counting “Grants” the g’vt. give Big Corps. like $12B to car manufacturers to create employment only for them ALL to pack up and leave. For $12B the g’vt. could have started it’s Own car manufacturer which would Still be here and employing people. Then there’s Gina Rinehart who was Given Grants totaling about $2.5B. Poor Gina needs financial help even though she’s worth about $20B, debatably the RICHEST Woman in the WORLD. But the g’vt. Says the Only way to finance the Disability pension is to Take money from the Unemployed and Pensioners. Let’s help the g’vt. give bigger grants to Gina by Cutting the benefits to the Unemployed and Pensioners. Is there Anything Wrong with this picture ?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:23:42 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:04:14 +1100
    Do the right thing you clowns…we may not have put you where you are today but we can certainly take it all away.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 07:05:12 +1100
    Bishop Gabrielle Crofts
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-10 15:50:24 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-10 15:16:57 +1100
    Andrew Strobel
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 17:33:08 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 12:47:59 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 12:07:33 +1100
    You are the first organization I’ve heard speak the truth in saying that the increased profits gained by the large companies from the so-called ‘investment incentive’ tax cut will go into the companies’ own coffers (the highly paid executives) and don’t forget the shareholders….
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 12:03:33 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 11:41:39 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 11:39:36 +1100
    It is important that we protect and nurture schools, education, hospitals and old age pensions. It is the Australian governments responsibility to grow these areas. Not war planes, not war ships, not politicians entitlements. When a politician receives more money per night to live in Canberra than a family man on the dole receives ina week something is very wrong with our society and its people.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 11:30:31 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 11:19:40 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-09 11:13:48 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-08 19:34:45 +1100
    I have had enough of the gutless turdboy.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-08 12:45:23 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-02-08 09:30:07 +1100
    Frank Sykes
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-07 09:28:07 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-07 09:06:32 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-07 01:06:01 +1100
    Scum of the Earth, led by their diseased puppet masters their only goal is to feed the greed of the elitists.
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 23:31:27 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 22:51:29 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 22:31:16 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 21:16:31 +1100
    Venetta Lee
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 20:32:45 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-06 18:33:20 +1100
    Having businesses, the Business Council of Australia and all pro LNP “Think Tanks, Institutes, Associations, Councils Groups, whatevers” constantly repeat the debunked “virtues” of “trickle down economics” in the hope that repetition will lead to belief, will not change the fact that "trickle down economics has not worked, doesn’t work and never will work.