How do I update my logo?

For security reasons, logos can only be loaded internally by a member of our Support staff.

Please email your logo to, in the dimensions as follows:


Agency Logo

200 (w) pixels x 70 (h) pixels - Up to 50kb, File type GIF or JPG.

Appears on Property Details Page and in Agency Profile Page


Search Logo

120 (w) pixels x 42 (h) pixels - Up to 20kb, File type GIF or JPG.

Appears on search results and various reports


Agency Banner

720 (w) pixels x 50 (h) pixels - Up to 50kb, File type GIF or JPG.

Appears on Property Details page and search results of Elite and P+ listings.


Agency Wide Banner

915 (w) pixels x 42 (h) pixels - Up to 100kb, File type GIF or JPG.

Appears on Property Details page of P+ listings.



728 (w) pixels x 90 (h) pixels - Up to 65kb, File type GIF or JPG.

Appears on Property Details page of P+ listings.

If your logo is not exactly sized to the dimension above, don’t worry. We can re-size them to fit within these dimensions, however we are not able to carry out any design work.

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