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Fairfax Foreign Desk
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Jewel Topsfield 22m
BREAKING: Prosecutors have requested Sara Connor be jailed for 8 years for fatal group assault of Bali cop - same request as David Taylor
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Fairfax Foreign Desk 8h
Difficult battle for western Mosul could displace 400,000 civilians via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk 8h
Pence, Mattis scramble to manage fallout from Trump's global diplomacy crapshoot via by
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Fairfax Foreign Desk 10h
Malaysia calls North Korea 'delusional' over Kim Jong-nam assassination case
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Fairfax Foreign Desk 14h
Confessions of a virtue signalling, leftard social justice warrior via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 19
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace turns on Donald Trump
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 19
Monks defy police during standoff at Thailand's largest temple via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 17
: Kim Jong-nam murder: North Korean man arrested via by
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 17
'Nobody cares about us': Family flees US border patrol to seek asylum in Canada via
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Antonio Dottore Feb 16
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RN Drive Feb 16
Buzzfeed's and 's Maher Mughrabi wrapping up the news week now
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 16
Donald Trump's raving attempt at shifting blame an autocrat's outing via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 16
Donald Trump slams the media, leakers, defends Michael Flynn
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
Assassination of Kim Jong-nam may join list of unsolved Malaysian mysteries via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
Dozens die of bird flu in China amid fears of new health crisis via
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Ben Cubby Feb 15
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
Conjuring up Watergate as clouds darken over Trump administration
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
'The fix is in': Journalists take stock of Donald Trump's media playbook via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
The truth about the battle for Aleppo after the information war dust has settled via
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Fairfax Foreign Desk Feb 15
Andrew Puzder, Donald Trump's choice to serve as labour secretary, pulls out
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