John #MalcolmFraser AC 22nd Prime Minister of #auspol: @Jansant tribute

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser (@MalcolmFraser12) has left the building, and it feels empty without him. The man who had once torn Australia apart, became a voice of reason, decency and compassion in a sea of gutter level race fuelled political strategy. A child of the squattocracy, that in the end, was the reasoned and […]

Former Prime Minister @MalcolmFraser12 call for new #auspol party of values and decency. @Jansant reports

Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has called on young people to organise and create a new political party based on values and decency. He made the call during an Asylum Seeker Resource Centre event at Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday night during a question and answer session. Earlier in a speech (below), Mr Fraser […]

The man who dismissed dismissal: @burgewords #CreatingWaves on #GoughWhitlam

  Gough Whitlam got conservatives in Australia on the move in the late 1960s and they have never stopped running. IT took me almost half my lifetime to work out what I owe Gough Whitlam. The second son of a NSW grazier and a nurse from Sydney’s north shore who gave up her career to have kids, I […]

Time to be Alert … And a little bit Alarmed? – the @sarah_capper column

Yes, that’s right, last week Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the Government was raising Australia’s ‘terror alert’ status to ‘high’.  While technically this means a terrorist attack on Australian soil is now regarded as “likely”, the PM was quick to clarify that “this does not mean that a terror attack is imminent. We have no […]

The party’s no fun anymore: @hiroyasugita study tour on Australian independents

Just one week in late March 2014 exposed how farcical Tony Abbott’s ‘government of adults’ is. Supposedly consummate professional political operator, Arthur Sinodinos, proved to be naïve at best, greedy at worst, for not realising the dodgy company structure which had shadowy figure of Eddie Obeid lurking behind it. Then a supposedly moderate Attorney-General proposed […]

@Jansant interviews respected refugee advocate Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM @Kon__K from the @ASRC1

[clear] By Wayne Jansson  @jansant February 8, 2014 Ever since John Howard’s Tampa affair back in 2001, refugees arriving by boat have been at the centre of political debate in Australia. A campaign to demonise and dehumanise refugees has been in full swing ever since. Its been so successful the Abbott government has even seen the […]

Journalist @MargaretSimons stands up to Oz intimidation, speaks out on media reform

By Margo Kingston, March 19, 2013 I’ve known Meg Simons for more than 25 years. We met in the Fairfax Brisbane bureau in the late 1980s – she was The Age correspondent,  me a new recruit for the Times on Sunday. We covered the Fitzgerald Inquiry, and I learnt courage and persistence – and tried to learn […]