

White House should probe Kellyanne Conway's Nordstrom comments: US ethics office

Washington: The White House should investigate a public endorsement of Ivanka Trump products by Kellyanne Conway, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, and consider disciplinary action, the Office of Government Ethics said in a letter on Tuesday.

Conway's comments last week after Nordstrom announced it was dropping the brand of Trump's daughter Ivanka from its stores prompted criticism from Republican and Democratic lawmakers amid concern she may have violated ethics rules that prohibit using a public office to endorse products or advance personal business gains.

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Kellyanne Conway tells people 'go buy Ivanka's stuff'

President Donald Trump's advisor may have broken an ethics rule for endorsing Ivanka Trump's clothing and shoe line after luxury department chain, Nordstrom dropped it.

"There is strong reason to believe that Ms Conway has violated the Standards of Conduct and that disciplinary action is warranted," the letter read. It recommended the investigation and any disciplinary action be taken by February 28.

Federal ethics rules prohibit executive branch employees from using their positions to endorse products or for the private gain of friends. The law does not apply to the president.

"Go buy Ivanka's stuff ... I'm going to go get some myself today," Conway told Fox News in an interview from the White House. "I'm going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody."

Conway made the comments on Thursday, a day after Trump himself attacked Nordstrom for dropping his daughter's brand.


Nordstrom said it had made the decision because sales had steadily declined, especially in the last half of 2016, to where carrying the line "didn't make good business sense."

A congressional committee sought a review from the OGE into whether Conway had violated ethics in her televised remarks.

"I note that the OGE's regulation on misuse of position offers as an example the hypothetical case of a presidential appointee appearing in a television commercial to promote a product," OGE Director Walter Shaub wrote in his letter.

"Ms Conway's actions track that example almost exactly.

"Therefore I recommend that the White House investigate Ms Conway's actions and consider taking disciplinary action against her."

Shaub noted that White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Thursday that Conway had been "counselled," but said OGE had not been informed of any disciplinary or corrective action.

The ethics agency does not have investigative powers or enforcement authority. But the letter from Shaub steps up the pressure on the White House Counsel's Office to disclose whether it took any action in response to Conway's remarks. Shaub asked White House Deputy Counsel Stefan Passantino for a response by February 28.

Elijah E. Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, called on President Donald Trump heed the agency's advice.

"This was a textbook violation of federal ethics rules, and the president should follow the independent advice of the Office of Government Ethics to impose discipline on Ms Conway," Cummings said in a statement.

Ethics experts said that violating the rule barring using one's public office for private gain can trigger a range of disciplinary actions, including a multi-day suspension or loss of pay. US Fish and Wildlife Service employees, for instance, face a five-day suspension or termination for such a violation.

However, OGE has little recourse if the White House declines to take any disciplinary actions, as Shaub noted in a separate letter to the House Oversight Committee. The ethics office can merely issue a "nonbinding" recommendation and inform the president if an agency is failing to discipline an employee.

"However, such notice would be ineffective in this case because any decision not to take disciplinary action will have been made by the President," Shaub added.

Government watchdog groups said that they have little expectation that Trump will levy any punishment, noting that Conway was following his example of publicly promoting private products.

A top White House aide defended Conway on Sunday. Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller told ABC's This Week that she was making a "light-hearted, flippant" comment when she urged Americans to buy Ivanka Trump's products.

Reuters, The Washington Post