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'Nice ass...ets' Confused Perth Tinder app users match with trade union

Politicians have long been accused of getting into bed with the unions, but on Valentine's Day, it was the Electrical Trade Union doing the flirting after it joined popular dating app, Tinder.

Their fake profile, a man named Western, matched with more than 200 people across Perth in less than 24 hours, although those that swiped right soon found themselves embroiled in a not-so-sexy conversation about the state's electrical assets, rather than being asked on a date. 

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Politicians have long been accused of getting into bed with the unions, but on Valentine's Day, it's the Electrical Trade Union doing the flirting. Audio:6PR

The profile was used to spruik the union's position that the Liberal's election promise to private Western Power was a mistake. 

After their unique marketing ploy was ousted on Radio 6PR's rumour file by a confused love interest, the ETU's national communications manager was quick to explain the idea behind the unconventional and free form of advertising.

"It's a bit of a light-hearted and side-door way of connecting with people who maybe don't have the traditional media consumption habits," he said.

"I think in political campaigns, a lot of the messaging can be very dry and repetitive sometimes and this was a way to connect with people that was a bit unexpected.


"We matched with about 200 people... it certainly puts my own Tinder performance on my personal account to shame."

But the dating app was quick to spot the profile was a fake, shutting it down less than 24 hours after it was created because the ETU began sending out a mass message, 'what are your thoughts on public displays of affection?' with a link to an anti-Western Power privatisation Youtube video.

Users who matched with Western, whose photographs included him holding a book titled How to be a hopeless romantic, by Western Power and a man in a Western Power shirt holding a bouquet of roses, also sensed something was awry.

"The most common questions were, 'do you have pics of your face' and 'are you a robot?'", Mr Williams said.

"With those who said, 'what's this all about', we kind of explained a little bit more about the impending privatisation and the fact that we were trying to make people aware of the possible consequences of it and generally the response was pretty positive."

Despite the generally understanding response, one woman did jokingly respond to Western saying she'd "slap him" if he was in front of her after the failed match.

The Liberal government has promised to sell 51 per cent of Western Power for around $11 billion if re-elected.

The state government has said selling Western Power would help wipe $8 billion from WA's debt, and inject $3 billion into major infrastructure projects, while also helping to regain the state's triple-A credit rating.

WA Labor leader Mark McGowan has promised to keep the asset if his party wins government at the March state election.