
Connection counts more than the flowers on Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day we are fed images and promotions celebrating love. Florists and chocolatiers are hoping to make extra revenue on the back of St Valentine.

All very cute and lovely if (a) you 'celebrate' the day; and/or (b) you have significant other to share it with.

Recently a friend shared that she was wanted a relationship but admitted that she hadn't placed a relationship as a priority because she was focused on other goals, primarily her career.  

Meanwhile those who are in a relationship often feel disconnected from their partner due to the same pressures. Late nights at work, exhaustion from running a household and chasing kids around, while juggling a multitude of other responsibilities. Date nights are a thing of the past, probably relegated to anniversaries and perhaps today.

Human relationships of all kinds are important, the love for our partners today, yes of course, but love for family, love for friends should all be nurtured.  

"Being socially connected is our brain's lifelong passion," said Lieberman, a professor of psychology in the UCLA College of Letters and Science and a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral science at UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.


"It's been baked into our operating system for tens of millions of years.

"Mammals are more socially connected than reptiles, primates more than other mammals, and humans more than other primates.

"What this suggests is that becoming more socially connected is essential to our survival."

Whilst you may not be showered in roses and chocolates today, it is still a day where we can be reminded that making time for all of our loved ones could be the most important gift of all.  

Adele Blair is managing director at the Concierge Collective