Friday, February 17, 2017

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/17/2017

Today’s Water Cooler: Public opinion on trade, Christie’s meatloaf, Trump presser, ObamaCare replacement, leading indicators, UAW, charisma

When the IMF Evaluates the IMF

A recap of where the IMF admits that it screwed up. Also points out how the IMF overlooked a core methodology prone to errors and gaming.

Links 2/17/17

Wearing White: What Resistance Looks Like in America’s Heartland

A labor struggle in South Bend as a window into unions’ ongoing resistance to corporate greed.

Grantham: ‘Twas Capitalism That Killed Capitalism

How capitalism became disconnected from social good, leading to hope for a “strong leader” will take on the rich and powerful.

Gaius Publius: Field Notes from the Battle Within the Democratic Party

Needless to say, the real war within the Democratic party is about who gets to feed at the trough.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/16/2017

Today’s Water Cooler: Oligarchs on trade, Cerberus vs. The Blob, Acosta, Sanders on Russian hacking, Democrats and CT, good news in stats (!)

Links 2/16/17

Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Eight: Brad Stone’s Uber Book “The Upstarts”– PR/Propaganda Masquerading as Journalism

By Hubert Horan, who has 40 years of experience in the management and regulation of transportation companies (primarily airlines). Horan has no financial links with any urban car service industry competitors, investors or regulators, or any firms that work on behalf of industry participants Brad Stone’s new book “The Upstarts,” is subtitled “How Uber, Airbnb, […]

No, Trump Isn’t Imploding — But the Opposition Is Broad and Intense

A look beyond the headline noise to gauge how Trump is faring with the public

The CFPB’s Big Opponent, Jeb Hensarling, Rivals Trump in the “Make Stuff Up” Category

House Financial Services Committee chairman Jeb Hensarling takes his best shot at the CFPB and fails to land a single blow.

2016 Post Mortem: How Associated Press Reporter Lina Lerer Repeatedly Sandbagged Sanders

An in-depth study of Associated Press reporter Lina Lerer’s work during the 2016 Democratic primary shows a marked anti-Sanders slant.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/15/2017

Today’s Water Cooler: Open thread.

Links 2/15/17

In California Farm Country, Trump’s Deportation Threat Looms Large

A closer look at America’s dependence on de facto sanctioned but nevertheless illegal farm workers,