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Video: Dear Virtue Signalling Celebrities

Paul Joseph Watson | It’s time to put up shut the f**k up.

Video: Thug Pulls Assault Rifle on Trump Supporter Over MAGA Flag

Paul Joseph Watson | “Let me show you what’s gon’ happen!”

Roger Stone Slams Media on Today Show for ‘Recycling’ Russian Narrative

Trump insider denies contact with ‘the Russians,’ says FBI never even questioned him Adan Salazar Prison Planet.com February 16, 2017 […]

Is Twitter Censoring Positive Replies to Donald Trump’s Tweets?

Paul Joseph Watson | Social network ensures only negative responses are seen.

Ex-CIA Agent Evan McMullin: Donald Trump is a “Domestic Enemy”

Paul Joseph Watson | 2016 presidential candidate sides with deep state coup.

Over 9,000 People Sign Petition Urging Trump to Expel Soros From US

Sputnik News | Authors of the petition also asked Trump to make it a crime to do business with Soros.

60% of Refugee Arrivals Since Judge Halted Trump’s Order Come From 5 Terror-Prone Countries

CNS News | Muslims accounted for the overwhelming majority of those admitted.

PARIS ON FIRE: Riots reach capital’s centre – buildings set ablaze and police attacked

UK Express | WIDESPREAD suburban rioting spilled into central Paris last night.

Deep State #Resistance: Spies Withhold Intel from Trump, Says WSJ

Breitbart | “Deep state” officials are withholding intelligence from President Donald Trump.

Brilliant – Today Illegal Aliens Voluntarily Self-Identify Throughout America – #DayWithoutImmigrants

Conservative Treehouse | Some people say the liberal mind is predisposed toward stupidity, or at least stupid behavior.

  • Deep state
    Vs Donald Trump

On the Thursday, Feb. 16 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, the war between Trump and the intelligence agencies heats up. New York Post columnist and author of The Great American Bank Robbery, Paul Sperry joins the show to discuss Obama's attempts to sabotage Trump's presidency. Also, the U.S. military is preparing for a Martial Law takeover. We'll also cover the nationwide "day without immigrants" worker strike taking place today. We will take your calls on this worldwide broadcast.


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Dear Virtue Signalling Celebrities See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.

SARAH SILVERMAN'S SWASTIKA MELTDOWN! See the rest on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.

http://www.youtube.com/embed/jHnjlQC6Puw http://www.youtube.com/embed/YGbdu9bFhzQ

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