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  • 4414

    Strategic Relocation - Full Movie


    Date: 12/17/2012

    Alex Jones, founder of alternative news networks Infowars and Prison Planet, presents a full-length documentary/presentation with Joel Skousen, author of Strategic Relocation, North American Guide to Safe Places and The Secure Home, to discuss the long-term threats facing Americans and how to relocate for safety and security. Joel and Alex examine the information within Strategic Relocation including the effects of natural disasters, nuclear war, long-term power failures, large-scale social unrest and police state tyranny. They consider the pros and cons of countries around the world but give particular emphasis to the state and provinces in the US and Canada. Joel also describes cost-effective ways of securing a residence to protect yourself and your preparations. Whether you are looking to expatriate off-shore or build a dream house away from the serious threats facing us, you'll find answers in this fact-filled interview and companion to the wide-selling book, Strategic Relocation. - Watch now

  • 5289

    It's A Wonderful Lie - 100 Years of the Federal Reserve

    Special Reports

    Date: 12/23/2013

    As we look back over the past hundred years, America has experienced the Great Depression, multiple recessions, stagflation and the loss of 99% of the dollarʼs purchasing power - none of it wouldʼve been possible without the Federal Reserve, creating bubbles and bursting them, enslaving us with debt and destroying our purchasing power through inflation Yes, itʼs been a wonderful lie — for the banksters And many Americans are left like George Bailey. Facing the collapse of their dreams and financial ruin There are striking parallels in Frank Capraʼs Itʼs a Wonderful Life to lies and tricks of the modern banker elite. Human nature doesnʼt change and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look much like Potter - Watch now

  • 2013

    9/11: The Great Illusion by George Humphrey


    Date: 10/21/2004

    This important film will help open your friends' and family's eyes to the great illusion that the mainstream media has created around the September 11th attacks. - Watch now

  • 1988

    New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen


    Date: 02/29/2012

    Alex Jones' latest documentary shatters the hoax of the terrorism, revealing instead that government is history's greatest killer. Now a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill billions with the superweapons it has created under a police state control grid and through the central banking warfare model it brought to life. This documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us-- powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power. - Watch now

  • 2015

    Reprise: The Order Of Death


    Date: 11/01/2005

    This new film delves deeply into the history of the Grove where powerful men make decisions that affect the world but are completely hidden from public scrutiny. - Watch now

  • 7459

    Thursday: The Infowars Nightly News. Hillary Decides To Pick A Fight With Alex Jones.

    Nightly News

    Date: 08/25/2016

    On this Thursday, August 25th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Hillary delays a coughing fit long enough to name drop Alex Jones, Then Julian Assange say he has new info that can swing the election if it catches fire. And the university of Chicago tells Triggly puffs that we do not condone your safe space. - Watch now

  • 7568

    Wednesday: The Infowars Nightly News. Breaking: Internal Coup In Clinton Camp Will Ruin Her

    Nightly News

    Date: 11/02/2016

    On this Wednesday November 2nd, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Former deputy Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik gives a historic, rare interview to Alex Jones. WikiLeaks bombshells rock the Clinton Kane ticket in the final days of the election. Obama scolds the public calling voters sexist who don't support Clinton. - Watch now

  • 4702

    Monday: The Bombing of The Boston Massacre Investigated in Real Time. - Parts 1, 2, & 3 Combined

    Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/15/2013

    On the Monday, April 15 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex takes on the lie that “sensible gun laws,” in the form of background checks, will not lead to a gun registry and confiscation, which is already underway in states like New York and California. Alex also examines leaked photos of former Secretary of State Colin Powell attending the private and secretive San Francisco-based retreat known as Bohemian Grove. We'll also cover the Venezuelan elections, the price of gold being artificially manipulated, and new grisly images of US-backed Free Syrian Army Rebels up to no good. On today's show, Alex welcomes comedian, actor and author of Dead Wrong Richard Belzer to talk about his new book Hit List, an in-depth investigation into the mysterious deaths of witnesses to the JFK Assassination. - Watch now

  • 4607

    Nightly News for Thursday, February 28, 2013

    Nightly News

    Date: 02/28/2013

    On this February 28,2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Ortiz speaks with Pastor Clenard Childress of News Covered: Breaking: Texas Moves To Forcibly Inoculate Children. Documents Reveal US Marshals Using Spy Drones. It’s Official, the Fourth Amendment is Dead. Sarah Palin: Feds Are Stockpiling Bullets For Civil Unrest. Tech Guru Warns Of Internet “Disaster”. Kerry pledges $60 million in aid to Syrian opposition forces. - Watch now

  • 4762

    Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. Watergate 2.0, The Benghazi Whistleblowers Sound The Alarm.

    Alex Jones Show

    Date: 05/08/2013

    On the Wednesday, May 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the prospect of the United States military intervening in Syria by the end of summer. He also covers the latest efforts in Congress to reanimate gun legislation. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex covers Google's effort to scare visitors away from and Drudge with GCN talk show host Katherine Albrecht. She is coauthor of Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move. Also on today's broadcast, Jeffrey M. Smith talks about new research on Roundup and the latest news on the scourge of GMO. Jeffrey is the author of Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating, available at the Infowars Store. He has produced the DVD presentation Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, also available at the Infowars Store. - Watch now

  • 4557

    Special Report:Illuminati Super Bowl Ritual Revealed

    Special Reports

    Date: 02/05/2013

    The top story on Yahoo News the day after this year's super bowl was, "Did Beyonce flash an illuminati sign?" next to a photograph of her making a pyramid with her hands. Melissa Melton's special report considers the evidence that these super bowl half-time shows have a much darker subliminal mass conditioning agenda. - Watch now

  • 7457

    Wednesday: The Infowars Nightly News. HIllary Bores Audiences While Trump Knocks It Out Of The Park.

    Nightly News

    Date: 08/24/2016

    On this Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, MSM Attacks Trump's Health But Ignores Clinton’s.Its a "conspiracy theory" to question Clinton's health but questioning Trump is fair game. And State Trooper Shoots Deaf Man. A minor traffic stop turned deadly when a deaf man couldn't communicate with an officer. And then US Gifts Iran 1.3 Billion Lump Sum As They Shout Death to America. Obama’s administration announced today it delivered a 1.3 billion dollar pay out to Iran, resolving a dispute over an undelivered military sale in 1979. Obama has maintained the payment was not a ransom for 4 hostages Iran held, although their release coincided with the first 400 million dollar payment given to Iran in January. The 1.3 billion reflects an interest payment. In Baltimore, information was release that the city has used aerial surveillance on it’s citizens, paid for by private entrepreneur John Arnold. - Watch now

  • 4735

    Special Report: FIVE Smoking Guns of the Boston Marathon Bombing

    Special Reports

    Date: 04/25/2013

    The official narrative of the Boston Marathon bombing has been riddled with inconsistencies. It was hard to pick just five smoking guns conflicting with the official story. - Watch now

  • 6688

    Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. Tyranny's Final Step Lies In The Elite Seeing Themselves As Gods

    Alex Jones Show

    Date: 07/15/2015

    On this Wednesday, July 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage of the irrational frenzy surrounding the Confederate flag as Americans are threatened at gunpoint for displaying the flag and acuniversity declares a photo of the flag to be a threat. We also cover Democrats ignoring footage showing Planned Parenthood’s top doctor allegedly describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies. We also cover the beginning of Jade Helm, the massive military operation that will span a number of states in the American Southwest. On today’s program we talk with Dr. Edward Group, the founder of the Global Healing Center. He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer and is at the forefront of the company’s research and development team. - Photo cred. Anthony Freda - Watch now

  • 7069

    Friday: The Infowars Nightly News. Rebellion: Police Nullify Obama's Gun Grab

    Nightly News

    Date: 01/15/2016

    On tonight Friday, January, 15th, 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News, As politicians call for fewer guns, smart cops want the public to defend themselves. A Gulf War veteran who moved to Colorado last year has had his children confiscated by the State of Kansas over his use of marijuana as a treatment for PTSD symptoms. Austin based company Kingdom Games provide entertainment that mixes action and values. - Watch now

  • 4500

    The Alex Jones Show - January 16, 2013

    Alex Jones Show

    Date: 01/16/2013

    On the Wednesday, January 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers Obama's announcement that he will use executive action and illegal orders to attack the Second Amendment after the Newtown massacre last month. Alex also covers the effort to impeach Obama for wantonly violating his oath of office and engaging in high crimes and misdemeanors. On today's show, Alex welcomes Texas state representative Steve Toth who has introduced the "Firearms Protection Act" that will make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines illegal in the state. Alex also talks with Obama critic James David Manning, pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. - Watch now

  • 7205

    Friday: The Infowars Nightly News. Globalist Power Structure Threatened, Tensions Rise

    Nightly News

    Date: 03/18/2016

    On this Friday, March 18th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, The world most wanted terrorist is caught, Salah Abdeslam the ISIS fugitives behind the paris massacre is shot in the leg and captured alive by police. Then while the national spotlight focuses on the drinking water crisis in Flint Michigan, A USA Today investigation discovers what Infowars has been saying all along, "Your tap water is poisoned”. Plus the campaign for $15.00 an hour minimum wage has met its match as the fast food restaurant considers automated Restaurants where customers never see a live Human being. - Watch now

  • 7227

    Friday: The Infowars Nightly News. The American Peoples Votes Really Don't Matter To The GOP

    Nightly News

    Date: 04/01/2016

    On this Friday, April 1st, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, MSNBC says Trump supporters like Alex Jones are prepared to revolt, should Donald Trump not get the republican nomination. Meanwhile, establishment operative Karl Rove say "it's time to elect a fresh face to the White House". and in their own words Pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump agitators. - Watch now

  • 7695

    Friday: The Infowars Nightly News: ISIS, Cartel Shootout Part of Inaugural Attack Plan

    Nightly News

    Date: 01/13/2017

    On this Friday, January 13th, 2017 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, High-level government sources tell Judicial Watch a deadly shootout at the construction site of the new American Consulate occurred this week in a Mexican border town where Islamic terrorists and drug cartels plan to launch attacks against the U.S. during the period surrounding the presidential inauguration. - Watch now

  • 7689

    Tuesday: The Infowars Nightly News: Anarchists Plan Riots For Trump's Inauguration

    Nightly News

    Date: 01/10/2017

    On this Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Radical leftists are planning to make January 20th the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history. Their stated goal is to “disrupt” the Inauguration festivities as much as possible, and they are planning a wide range of “actions” to achieve that stated goal. Some of the more moderate groups are using terms such as “civil resistance” and “civil disobedience”, but others are openly talking about “blockades”, jumping barricades, throwing projectiles and “citywide paralysis”. - Watch now