Latest fruit articles

Farmers want to rein in electricity prices, saying their supply has become more unreliable as it has become more expensive.

Apple growers across Australia face a tough year in the marketplace as Western Australia's supply goes into overdrive.

A Northern Territory tropical fruit farmer says demand has been strong for pomelos during the Lunar New Year.

The magpie geese that destroyed the equivalent of 13,000 trays of mangoes in North Queensland could have flown from the Northern Territory because of dry weather there.

US President Donald Trump's trade policies and wall spat bring simmering tensions between Mexican farmers and their Government to the surface.

Tasmanian fruit growers launch a plan to grow their $180 million industry, with an aim to create new markets and jobs.

One of Australia's most popular food bloggers visits a central Queensland mango farm to better understand the paddock to plate process as she devises new recipes.

Apricot growers in South Australia's Riverland are having one of the worst seasons they can remember because of above average rain which has slashed their expected returns by 50 per cent.

The time is ripe for fruit flies in WA's Carnarvon, with thousands of sticky mangoes hanging on trees and covering the ground triggering a surge in numbers.

The first shipment of Australian lychees into the United States is hailed a major success, despite the exporter losing money on the venture.
