Real Estate


  1. Shopping Guide


    Shopping for Love Seats

    In a city apartment, a love seat may be a better choice than a larger sofa.

  2. Photo
    CreditDave Sanders for The New York Times

    Loving the Bodega Downstairs

    Living above one of New York City’s ubiquitous little stores can be like having a store-size pantry and finding a sense of community.

  3. Voyeur

    CreditGeorge Etheredge for The New York Times

    Voyeur: Fire Escapes

    Fire escapes are an integral part of New York City’s streetscape.

  1. 360 View

    CreditSerge Bloch

    Light Bulbs That Help You Sleep

    Different kinds of light can either lull you to sleep or make you more alert and focused.

  2. What I Love

    CreditTony Cenicola/The New York Times

    Barbara Barrie’s Loft in the Sky

    A Broadway actress on what matters most at home: quiet and light. Mostly light.

  3. Ask Real Estate

    CreditDaniel Pelavin

    Are There Laws to Limit Excessive Light?

    The building next door is so brightly lit, it’s as if the sun is shining into my bedroom at midnight. Is that legal?

  4. On the Market

    CreditLinda Jaquez for The New York Times

    Homes for Sale in Brooklyn and Manhattan

    This week’s properties are on the Upper West Side, in the West Village and in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

  5. On the Market

    CreditJohn O'Boyle for The New York Times

    Homes for Sale in New Jersey and Connecticut

    This week’s properties are four-bedroom homes in Springfield, N.J. and Westport, Conn.

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  1. Ask Real Estate

    CreditDaniel Pelavin

    What to Do if the Seller Backs Out

    If a buyer backs out of a contract, the deposit is lost. But what recourse does the buyer have if the seller wants out?