Category Archives: Prisons & Prisoner Struggles

New Statement from Native Revolutionary and Prisoner of War Leonard Peltier

Thanks to the Jericho Movement for helping to circulate this latest communique from Leonard Peltier.

However, before you scroll down to Leonard’s statement I would like to make one quick note about the nature of much of the “support” that comes in for Leonard.

There are a lot of White “left” groups out there that love to voice support for Leonard Peltier (and/or the history of the American Indian Movement), yet their statements are utterly comical because when you really break it down these groups are in total contradiction with the struggle that put Leonard in the imperialist iron house to begin with.

Put simply Leonard is a POW from a war for national liberation. These White “left” groups – which come under the labels of Maoist, Marxist-Leninist, Trotskyist and everything in between – have since their inception failed to grasp that our (and Leonard’s) struggle is for national liberation, not against racism (the ideas in White people’s brains) or some similar idea. They fail to grasp this for many reasons, from an utterly Eurocentric attempt to apply Stalin’s thesis on the nation to us (which almost always results in non-Native pseudo-Marxists declaring us to not be nations) to just pure and simple settlerism. Read the rest of this entry

National and International Campign for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chiapas Presses On

May 15 to 22 marks “the Week of Global Struggle for the Liberation of Alberto Patishtán Gómez and Francisco Sántiz López: bringing down the prison walls”, which was called by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio from the Other Campaign in New York.

Intense activity is currently taking place on a global scale to demand the release of two indigenous men who have been jailed for their political beliefs and activism, and who have become emblematic figures for the struggle against injustice in prisons and against political repression.  Although the prisoners are based in Chiapas, Mexico, activities are taking place in countries including South Africa, Brazil, France, England, Scotland, Spain, the United States, Switzerland, New Zealand and Argentina. Read the rest of this entry

PFLP General Secretary Sa’adat Transferred to Ramle Prison Hospital

Ramon prison management Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, to Ramle prison hospital on Sunday, April 29. Sa’adat has been in isolation for over three years in Ramon prison, and is part of the Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike for justice and dignity.

PFLP prisoners were previously offered that Sa’adat’s isolation would be ended in exchange for them ending their hunger strike, which the prisoners refused, saying they are committed to achieving the full demands of the strike united with prisoners from all forces and factions, and ending isolation for all.

Comrade Sa’adat has lost 6 kilograms so far on this hunger strike, which comes only short months after the last extended hunger strike from September 27-October 20, which was led by prisoners of the PFLP and inspired by Sa’adat’s isolation, which called for an end to isolation and solitary confinement. Read the rest of this entry