Category Archives: National Liberation

Oshkimaadzig Unity Camp – Uniting the New People

The word “Oshkimaadzig” refers to the “New People” of the Seven Fires Anishinaabek Prophecy, the people who were prophesied to be the ones who would pick up the remnants of their traditional ways of life and values long repressed by colonialism, and by reclaiming these values they will begin to unite all peoples for the survival of humanity and Mother Earth.

Oshkimaadzig Unity Camp is located in traditional Wendat (“Huron”) land, and since the genocidal dispersal of the Wendat by the French and the wars that forced them to flee the area in the mid 17th century, the Anishinaabe have been the keepers of the eastern door, recognized by the Three Fires Confederacy (Odawa, Potawatamie, and Ojibwe).  This land also falls within a number of treaties amongst indigenous people and between indigenous nations and European settlers, including the Two Row Wampum, the ‘One Dish, One Spoon’ Treaty, the Beaver Belt, the Haudenosaunee-Anishinaabek Friendship Belt, the 1764 Fort Niagara Silver Chain Covenant, and the 24 Nations Belt. Read the rest of this entry

The Contributions of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah to the Global Anti-Imperialist Struggle

The following article is the text of a speech about the political-theoretical contributions of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah – the Pan Africanist, scientific socialist and anti-colonial leader of Ghana, and the major theorist of the concept of neocolonialism. It was given by Jorge Risquet Valdes, a Central Committee member of the Communist Party of Cuba.  Here comrade Valdes illustrates the main points of Osagyefo Nkrumah’s ideas and his influence. Comrade Valdes also illustrates revolutionary Cuba’s strong relationships with various African liberation movements as a display of their strong proletarian internationalism.

However, as usual the posting of this does not imply total agreement by TSoD with the positions of the author/speaker.  In particular the author falls into the same trap that many Marxists have over the decades by speaking about “proletarian” struggles within the imperialist nations, and his support of them.  The clear understanding of the parasitism of the imperialist working class, what some call a labour aristocracy, puts those views of the author in question.  

Finally, this piece was first spotted over at, whose Peoples Liberation University project’s upcoming course on colonialism and neocolonialism will feature some of Nkrumah’s writings.  Read the rest of this entry

The Inter-Settler Civil War in Occupied Turtle Island & the Captive African Nation

With the release of the new Stephen Spielberg biopic/war drama about 16th US President Abraham Lincoln there has been increased discussion around this heavily mythologised White national figure. In the approved Amerikan historical narrative we are told that Lincoln fought to end the chattel slavery of captured Afrikan people because it was a great inhuman injustice that was tearing a great country apart. This discourse though has the intended effect of obscuring Lincoln’s actual history, his reasons for leading the northern settler territories against the southern ones and his vision of a post-Chattel Slavery Amerika.

It is also unfortunate, but not surprising, that the overwhelming majority of so-called “Marxists” come to incorrect conclusions about the inter-settler Civil War in Occupied Turtle Island. North American Marxists believe that the inter-settler war was one between “progressive” Northern capitalists and backwards Southern slave owning feudalists. As such, the Union played a progressive role in defeating Confederate feudalism, spreading the capitalist franchise to the South and turning Afrikan slaves into chocolate coloured White workers , the proclaimed social base of revolution in Amerika. Read the rest of this entry