Showing posts with label Uganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uganda. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

2 dead: Riots erupt in Uganda after brutal arrest

By GODFREY OLUKYA, Associated Press April 29, 2011

KAMPALA, Uganda – Army troops and police fired live bullets at rioting
demonstrators Friday, and at least two people were killed and 120 wounded
in the largest anti-government protest in sub-Saharan Africa this year.

Rioters burned tires in downtown streets as security forces fired tear gas
and guns, and a Red Cross spokeswoman said 15 of the wounded and been hit
by live bullets. Battles between protesters and police were also reported
elsewhere around the country.

The protests are the first serious demonstrations in sub-Saharan Africa
since a wave of anti-government protests swept leaders in Tunisia and
Egypt out of power. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who has been in
power for a quarter-century, has vowed repeatedly that his government will
not be taken down by protests.

The breakout of violence came one day after a brutal takedown of the
country's top opposition politician, Kizza Besigye. Police smashed through
the window of Besigye's vehicle with the butt of a gun and doused him with
tear gas at close range before bundling him into the back of a pickup
truck and speeding off.

"They arrested him like a chicken thief. We cannot allow such things to
continue. Museveni must go," said Brown Ndese, one of the protesters.

Red Cross spokeswoman Catherine Ntabadde said at least two people were
killed and 120 people wounded. Uganda police spokeswoman Judith Nabakooba
said the police were working to contain the demonstrations and did not
immediately have a casualty figure.

Some 360 people were arrested, the government said.

Besigye was freed on bail on Thursday but did not make any public
appearances or statements on Friday. Radio reports quoted an aide as
saying Besigye was in poor health and that he was to fly him out of the
country for treatment.

Besigye withstood long volleys of tear gas sprayed directly on him
Thursday, but it wasn't clear how sick or injured he was. Attempts to
reach Besigye aides for comment failed.

Besigye has held five "walk to work" demonstrations to protest rising
prices and what he calls a corrupt government. On Friday, demonstrators
carried posters praising Besigye, and questioned why police needed to use
violence to arrest him. Opposition members of parliament have demanded an
explanation from the government over his treatment.

Ugandan Minister of Internal Affairs Kirunda Kivejinja said at a news
conference Friday that police had no intention of arresting Besigye in
such a harsh manner on Thursday.

"The way he was arrested was due to the way he reacted," Kivejinja said.
"When police advised him not to use a particular road, he instead got out
of his vehicle and called his supporters."

About comparisons to Arab uprisings, he said: "Uganda cannot be like
Tunisia and Egypt. ... Here we simply have Besigye who does not want to
cooperate. He is defiant against lawful orders."

Earlier this month Besigye was shot in the right hand by what he says was
a rubber bullet fired by police. He now wears a thick white cast that
reaches halfway up his right arm.

Uganda's Daily Monitor newspaper reported on its website Friday that
military forces and police fired live ammunition and tear gas at
demonstrators in the eastern town of Mbale, some 200 miles (300
kilometers) outside Kampala. Demonstrators fought back with rocks.

The U.S. Embassy in Uganda condemned the escalation of violence and it
called on all protesters to obey the law and cease all destruction of

"The U.S. Mission in Uganda also urges the Government of Uganda to respect
the right of all citizens to peacefully express their views as enshrined
by Uganda's constitution. Above all, Ugandan authorities must avoid using
excessive force against civilians in this situation. Constructive dialogue
is needed now," the U.S. statement said.

Besigye came second in Uganda's February presidential election to
Museveni, threatening to end the opposition leader's political career
after three straight losses to the longtime leader. Official returns
showed Museveni winning 68 percent of the February vote, though Besigye
says those returns were falsified and that both he and Museveni got just
under 50 percent.

Besigye, though, has had a political resurrection in recent months as the
country has seen huge price spikes in food and fuel.

In an interview with The Associated Press at his home last week, Besigye
said many Ugandans face a "crisis of survival," that the health care
system has broken down and that young people cannot find jobs.

Besigye was the president's personal physician before being dismissed for
saying in 1999 the government was becoming a one-man dictatorship.

Uganda is a young country, with half its nearly 35 million citizens under
15. An estimated 1.2 million have HIV/AIDS. The average yearly income is
just $1,200, though many here have hopes — and fears — over newly
discovered oil that will soon be pumped. An oil curse has befallen other
African countries, providing more incentive for corrupt leaders to remain
in power in order to steal from public coffers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ugandan gay activist slain after photo published

By MAX DELANY and GODFREY OLUKYA, Associated Press Jan. 27, 2010

KAMPALA, Uganda – A prominent Ugandan gay rights activist whose picture
was published by an anti-gay newspaper next to the words "Hang Them" was
bludgeoned to death. Police said Thursday his sexual orientation had
nothing to do with the killing and that one "robber" had been arrested.

Activists were outraged over the death of David Kato, an advocacy officer
for the gay rights group Sexual Minorities Uganda. His slaying comes after
a year of stepped up threats against gays in Uganda, where a controversial
bill has proposed the death penalty for some homosexual acts.

Kato, who had received multiple threats, was found with serious wounds to
his head caused by an attack with a hammer at his home late Wednesday in
Uganda's capital, Kampala. Kato later died on the way to the hospital.

"We are horrified and saddened by the murder of prominent human rights
activist David Kato in Uganda yesterday afternoon," Assistant Secretary of
State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson posted on Twitter.

Human Rights Watch called for an urgent investigation, saying that Kato's
work as a prominent gay rights campaigner had previously seen him face
threats to his personal safety.

"David Kato's death is a tragic loss to the human rights community," said
Maria Burnett, senior Africa researcher at HRW. "David had faced the
increased threats ... bravely and will be sorely missed."

A Ugandan tabloid newspaper called Rolling Stone listed a number of men
they said were homosexuals last year, including Kato. Kato's picture was
published on the front page, along with his name and a headline that said
"Hang Them."

Kato and two other gay activists sued Rolling Stone over claims that it
had violated their constitutional rights to privacy and won the case
earlier this month. A judge issued an injunction banning the publication
of the identities and personal details of alleged homosexuals.

A police spokesman, Vincent Sekatte, said Kato was killed by robbers who
have so far killed more than 10 people in that area in the past two
months. He said there was no indication the death was connected to any
anti-homosexual sentiment. Kato was hit by a hammer that has been
recovered by police, Sekatte said.

Police arrested one suspect, a driver for Kato, Sekatte said. A second
suspect is being hunted. That suspect had been hired as a house helper and
had recently been released from prison, Sekatte said.

Kato's lawyer told The Associated Press on Thursday that his client had
become noticeably more worried about his safety in the wake of the Rolling
Stone publication.

"He was conscious that something could happen," said John Francis Onyango.

Family, friends and neighbors gathered to mourn at Kato's house on
Thursday. Several women lay on the floor of the living room. The room
where he had been killed was closed off by the police. A funeral is
planned for Friday.

"I feel very lonely," said John Mulumba Wasswa, Kato's older twin brother.
"My brother was a very brave person, very courageous."

Homosexuality is illegal in Uganda and gay men and women face regular
harassment. The controversial bill introduced in 2009 and still before the
country's parliament would see the death penalty introduced for certain
homosexual acts. The bill prompted international condemnation and hasn't
come up for a vote

Human Rights Watch called on the Ugandan government to offer gay people in
the country sufficient protection.

In a statement, the group said that witnesses had told police that Kato
was hit twice on the head by an unknown assailant who had been spotted
entering his property. The assailant was then seen leaving by vehicle, the
statement said.

Frank Mugisha, the chairman of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said he has asked
religious and political leaders and media outlets to stop demonizing
sexual minorities in Uganda.

"Across the entire country, straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and intersex Ugandans mourn the loss of David, a dear friend, colleague,
teacher, family member and human rights defender," said Mugisha.

The introduction of the anti-homosexual bill in 2009 followed a conference
in Kampala that was attended by American activists who consider
same-gender relationships sinful. The U.S. evangelicals believe gays and
lesbians can become heterosexual through prayer and counseling. Some gay
Ugandans still resent that American intervention.

"David's death is a result of the hatred planted in Uganda by U.S
evangelicals in 2009," said Val Kalende, a Ugandan gay rights activist.
"The Ugandan government and the so-called U.S evangelicals must take
responsibility for David's blood."


Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee in Washington contributed to this report.