Media Feed

Updated: 3 June 2016

Are you looking for the Media Feed v3 technical documentation?

The objective of the AEC Media Feed system is to deliver uninterrupted, real-time election information and results to any media organisation or interested third party, anywhere in Australia or internationally, regardless of size or location.

To achieve this objective the AEC Media Feed system:

  • provides a feed of election results and information delivered to the media using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) over the Internet
  • is implemented using a pull model and publishes the feed to an FTP site. Users of the system can then poll this location and download the feed as required
  • publishes the generated media feeds to the FTP site every 90 seconds on election night and every 15 minutes in the post-election period. Each media feed contains a complete set of election results
  • generates election results and information as a set of XML messages based on the Election Mark-up Language (EML) schema.

Details on the Media Feed v3, including a user guide, are available in the technical documentation.

Media Feed environments

Please refer to the Media Feed v3 technical documentation for how to use these enviroments.

Media Feed samples

You can test your system using the actual preload and results feeds generated during one of the following electoral events.

Please refer to for more information