City of Yarra to consult on future of Australia Day celebrations

Councillors have UNANIMOUSLY supported a motion from Mayor Amanda Stone to commence discussions with the Wurundjeri Council and Yarra’s Aboriginal Advisory Group on the future of the local Australia Day event and whether Yarra will continue to host it on January 26

In addition, there will be a community-led process for wider consultation and decision-making on alternative celebrations or dates.

It's exciting to know that Yarra's Aboriginal peoples will receive an opportunity to be heard, and listened to, at local government level and give input as to whether they would like to see Australia Day celebrations moved or not.

The City of Yarra was inspired by the City of Fremantle's decision to cancel its fireworks and host #OneDayinFremantle 

We hope to see even more local councils take similar action in the future.

We have heard that councillors, including Cr Stone have received, as well as many letters of support, a significant number of vitriolic and nasty messages opposing the initiative.  You can show your support for the decision by emailing the council or posting on Facebook.  Spread the word.

Read our Reflection Piece on January 26