Thank you for choosing to list your event on our 2017 National Reconciliation Week Calendar.

Simply provide the information below – in the fields that are applicable - and submit your form. Reconciliation Victoria will approve the listing (based on whether the event is a reconciliation themed event and is open to the public) and your event will be listed on the 2017 NRW Events Calendar in the next few days.

* Mandatory fields

Event Title: *
Event Description: *
Event Admission: *

Full Price:

Concession Price:

Start Date: * End Date:
Start Time: * End Time:
Venue Name: * Address: *
Suburb: * Event Url:
Contact Details
Organisation: *
Contact Name: * Phone:
Email: Url:
RSVP Details
Rsvp Date:
Phone: Email:
Additional Information:
I would like to receive a Reconciliation Victoria logo?

If you require further support or information please contact Damian O’Keefe, Project Officer,

Reconciliation Victoria T: 0427 030 545

Reconciliation Victoria is under no obligation to ensure, takes no responsibility for and makes no warranty or representation about the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information you provide, and is not liable for any loss or damage caused by any error, inaccuracy or misrepresentation contained within or in any way associated with any such information. If your event is a public, reconciliation themed event, it will be added as an event to the calendar. It is your responsibility to ensure the information is complete, accurate, current and reliable, and Reconciliation Victoria is under no obligation to follow up with you to check details and for any omissions.

This website is linked to websites over which Reconciliation Victoria has no control. Reconciliation Victoria  is under no obligation to ensure, takes no responsibility for and makes no warranty or representation about the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information listed on those websites, and is not liable for any loss or damage caused by any error, inaccuracy, misrepresentation, virus, defect, interception or interference contained within or in any way associated with those websites.