Construction industry on notice after audit finds poor compliance of ACT's tower cranes

Posted November 17, 2016 15:28:42

WorkSafe ACT has put the construction industry on notice over non-compliance issues with tower cranes.

The work safety watchdog launched an audit into tower cranes earlier this year and found poor compliance across 21 cranes and five stop work notices were issued.

"The electrical connections to those tower cranes including the wiring [are] high risk procedures in terms of the operation of those tower cranes," ACT Work Safety Commissioner Greg Jones said.

As a result of the report, WorkSafe will now check each ACT crane as part of set-up.

It also released a crane safety video for workers and employers.

The stop work notices were in response to issues with insufficient communication, fire safety and wiring, exclusion zones and safety culture.

"Some of those outcomes were disappointing in terms of its operations," Mr Jones said.

"My priority is to continue to improve the territory's safety record and reduce the number of significant incidents or injuries in workplaces by strengthening health and safety compliance through education and training programs," he said.

The commissioner urged the industry to put a bigger emphasis on safe work practices and has vowed to work with employers, workers and unions to improve compliance.

A follow up audit will be conducted to ensure tower cranes are compliant with WorkSafe ACT regulations.

Topics: building-and-construction, industry, unions, government-and-politics, workplace, accidents, canberra-2600, act, australia