Greenland: the only country to have left the EU

Posted November 09, 2016 09:37:14

Greenland is an autonomous country with a population just under 60,000. It's the world's largest island and almost all of it is covered by a massive ice sheet.

Once a colony of Denmark, it remains part of Danish kingdom in a relationship similar to Scotland's within the UK, although its devolved government has a lot more authority than the parliament in Edinburgh.

Denmark joined what was then called the European Economic Community in 1973. Technically Danish citizens, the Greenlanders had to go along, despite having voted against membership in a Danish referendum the year before. Ten years later, Greenland held its own referendum and voted by a narrow margin (53 per cent) to leave.

"Greenland's economy was and is very much dependent on one resource, namely fish," explains Ulrik Gad, a political scientist at Aalborg University in Copenhagen.

"Greenland just couldn't imagine control over their fisheries going to Brussels."

So long and thanks for all the fish

That made Greenland like other North Atlantic nations such as Iceland and Norway, both of which opted to stay out of the EEC and the EU.

"For Greenland it's not entirely an economic question but also a question of sovereignty … In that sense the crucial concept is national identity and the idea that control over our own resources is important," said Dr Gad.

Global fishing rights are managed under the UN's Law of the Sea Convention, established in the 1970s and 80s. This convention allows for exclusive economic zones, which essentially give countries control of waters within 200 nautical miles of their coast.

This could never work in Europe, where countries are close together. And during the 1970s, the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) was worked up.

The Common Fisheries Policy sets fishery regulations for all EU member states. For each of the main commercial species of fish there is a total allowable yearly catch, which is shared among the different relevant member states. Each country then decides how they distribute it among their own fishermen.

Bryce Stewart, a marine ecologist and fisheries biologist at the University of York, told Rear Vision that at the time Greenland voted to leave the EEC, its fishing industry was actually quite small.

"Greenland is a long way from everywhere else. I guess they looked at Iceland, which had claimed its 200-mile exclusive economic zone for its fisheries, and thought, why can't we do the same and control our fisheries for ourselves?

"They were certainly worried about European fishing fleets, particularly say the Spanish and the Portugal large factory trawlers and things like this travelling up and fishing the waters around Greenland and out-competing them.

"On that basis they voted to leave and from that point on they expanded their fishery quite a lot — actually too much, because many of the stocks became overfished within about 10 years because they saw this opportunity and pushed it too far.

"There has been adjustment since then and I think most Greenland fisheries are doing pretty well now. But it certainly wasn't all plain sailing."

Friends with benefits

Greenland remains connected to the EU as one of group of recognised overseas countries and territories (OCT) that includes Guadeloupe and the Canary Islands. The EU remains the country's biggest export market.

"Greenland halibut and prawns are the mainstay of the Greenland fishery," said Dr Stewart. "These are cold water prawns, so a bit different from the ones in Australia, but very valuable and very popular in European markets.

"So although they are independent from Europe, they do actually allow some European boats to fish in their waters, and that's a trade-off to give them access to the European export market that their fisheries actually rely on."

The lessons for Britain

As the UK wrestles with its own departure, there are some interesting parallels and contrasts with Greenland's exit. Greenland has a tiny population and a simple economy based on a single industry.

Britain has a population of 65 million people and a very complex economy, the fifth largest in the world. It took Greenland two years to negotiate its exit. Brexit will take much longer.

Then there's Scotland. Although the UK opted out, Scotland voted to stay in and may well push for another independence referendum if Brexit takes the UK out of the single market.

"I think the one thing that perhaps the UK government should learn from the Danish-Greenlandic relationship is that you can actually do a lot with sovereignty if you want to," said Dr Gad.

"Greenland has developed these ways of playing games with Danish sovereignty that allows Greenland a more independent status and more independent agency. The British government could, if they are afraid of Scotland leaving, develop a model where some parts of the British state could continue to be a member or a part of the EU."

One version that has been discussed is the "reverse Greenland" model, in which England and Wales would leave the EU without taking Scotland, Northern Ireland or Gibraltar with them. The UK would remain a member state with a territorial exemption for England and Wales.

"If England and Wales want a hard Brexit in the sense that they would actually leave the single market, then it would be very difficult to uphold this reverse Greenland model because then there would be quite hard borders between Scotland and England and that's hardly acceptable," said Dr Gad.

"But if Theresa May wants Scotland and Northern Ireland to come out of this as a part of the United Kingdom, then I think she would need to look into these constitutional and sovereignty games in more detail and with more interested than it seems that she's been doing so far."

Topics: business-economics-and-finance, globalisation---economy, industry, government-and-politics, world-politics, history, greenland, united-kingdom