
Food and grocery sector jobs stall as gas price hikes hit hard

Posted November 07, 2016 12:59:14

Food and grocery exports rose by 14 per cent in 2015-16, but jobs growth across the sector stalled.

It is grim news for regional Australia, where 40 per cent of the country's food processing takes place.

The Australian Food and Grocery Council's (AFGC) latest state of the industry report blames the jobs figures on the supermarket wars and automation in factories.

But chief executive Gary Dawson said the most challenging issue for businesses right now was increased gas prices.

"We are hearing back from companies facing increases of anything from 30 to 95 per cent," he said.

"They are not even able to get more than one offer from a gas retailer in many cases.

"This is a huge issue because gas is critical for many food processors, both as an energy source or to fire ovens, or as a feedstock into the production of packaging and plastics and so on.

"They often cannot pass that through because they cannot lift the price that goes to the retailer, and so in trying to absorb that cost, obviously they have to cut costs elsewhere."

The AFGC warned jobs would continue to suffer without more capital investment across the sector, and company tax cuts.

Mr Dawson said the annual turnover for the sector was up by almost 4 per cent, to $125.9 billion.

Automation a mixed blessing

The AFGC said the food and grocery sector had been under pressure to automate factories in order to be more efficient, and to counteract the effect of lower retail prices caused by the supermarket wars.

Mr Dawson said that for some companies, that had meant having to cut jobs in order to reduce costs and survive.

But for others, it was countered by a seemingly promising export market.

"Many of the impressive growth companies have been able to maintain employment through growth in sales for offshore," he said.

"But of course, for other companies where that is more difficult, they have simply had to strip out jobs to stay competitive."

Topics: rural, industry, manufacturing, food-processing, canberra-2600